Happily Ever After?

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Olive's pov:
The world has jaw dropping moments I've learned. Like the moment Harry and I finally made it to Neverland. I was holding his hand tightly in mine and praying we truly ended up in Neverland. We rose from the ground and into the skies with starry eyes and galaxy minds. I breathed a small breath of relief when we exited the star.

We landed softly on the sandy beach and I crumpled to the ground in tears

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We landed softly on the sandy beach and I crumpled to the ground in tears. "I-i--I'm home" I whispered sniffling.

Harry quickly pulled me into his arms and we sat in the sand reveling at our accomplishment. I sobbed tears of joy into his chest, my tears gliding down his red coat.
"Love?" Harry mumbled into my hair.
"Yeah." I snuggled into his chest with a smile.
"We better find some shelter for the night." Harry added lifting me to my feet.

"Harry I need to teach you something!" I gasped quite excitedly remembering the main gift o Neverland.
"What might that be?" Harry chuckled with a amused smirk.

"Anything you can think of can be real in Neverland!" I said rather smugly holding out my hands and thinking before with a poof my desired item appeared.
"Handcuffs? Really?" Harry chuckled in awe. His my wanders for a moment "You kinky little bird!" He purred pinching my cheek before strolling into the forest.

"The treehouse

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"The treehouse." I gasped falling into Harry's arms after our long walk. "It's still here." I smiled tearing up.
"Where did it come from Olive?" Harry asked innocently.

"Peter Pan. Despite all the terrible things he did, this was the nicest thing he ever did. He built me my very own treehouse when I was small and would visit Neverland with him." I bit my lip shaking my head, small giggles came from my mouth as I remembered the memories.

I rushed to the ladder and quickly climbed as fast as I could to the top. I reached the deck and I turned around looking back at the view.

"Harry?" I called out

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"Harry?" I called out.
"I'm coming." He called, climbing the ladder. We held each other looking at the view before I turned to open the rusted door nob.

We wandered through my little treehouse till I found my bedroom. My smile was growing as I looked upon my familiar floral bed sheets from my childhood. I shook my head and wandered over to take a seat on the mattress.

Harry wandered in shortly after seeing my smiling face, I nodded for him to come over

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Harry wandered in shortly after seeing my smiling face, I nodded for him to come over. I pulled him down onto the bed and we laid above the covers staring into each other's eyes.
"The world seems to fade away when I'm with you." Harry blushed kissing me softly on my nose. We fell asleep in each other's arms that night.
"All of this has happened before, and it will all happen again."
-J.M. Barrie Peter Pan

Author's note:
And that's it ladies and gentlemen. 😉
All of this has happened before, and it will all happen again😏
I think this might be the last chapter of this book🤷🏻‍♀️

Until next time -Izzy 💓

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