Beautiful Thing

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(Smut chapter for ya nasties😤😉😂 just know I warned you now!🤔 not appropriate for young audiences)

Harry's pov:
I whisked Olive away to my small home on the isle. She looked so stunning! This woman will be the death of me I groan opening the door. I lead her to my room and back her against the bed.

"Harry." Olive purrs "do it."
I take her words and with that I whip her around and scramble to get her dress unzipped. I pull down the zipper and my hand touches her soft skin. She shivers against my touch before giving me a small yes to continue.

She slides the dress off and she stands before me in a matching black lace bra and panties.  "Cheeky little bird." I pout tapping her nose. She lets out a yip before she furiously pulls off my coat and begins to unbutton my white dress shirt. " we're really gonna do this?" I question pulling her attention to my eyes. She gives a nod and bites her lip driving me insane. I unbutton and slide off my pants. I kiss from her neck to her collarbone and she purrs.
We fall onto the bed smothering each other in hot kisses. We only break for air.

Olive's pov:
Harry is currently attacking my neck with peppery kisses and my stomach is doing flips. I let out a moan. Harry stops and flips us so I'm beneath him while he is in a push-up, hovering above me. His eyes darken ogling my body.
"It's all yours blue eyes." I whisper before giving him a sexy smirk. He growls then his hands fumble to unclip my bra. I feel it slide from my body and Harry lets out a moan starring me up and down.

His fingers trace my shape and I blush. "So beautiful." He smiles hungrily. I move one of his hands to my underwear and his hand becomes stiff touching the fabric. He slides off my underwear and I'm left bare. He kisses my tummy and smiles. "I'm gonna put a baby in you." He chuckles.
"Not right now you aren't!" I scoff slapping his chest.
"Relax little bird! I have protection." He chuckles pulling a condom from the nightstand. He stands and slowly strips nude putting on the condom.
(Use safe sex kids😉😂)
He returns to bed and we stare at each other with lust.

"Do I have your permission mrs. Hook?" Harry asks teasingly.
"Why yes, Mr. Hook." I retort.
And before I know it we are having steamy intercourse. I moan his name is short breaths as he takes away my virginity.
After what felt like a lifetime we both stopped and laid down beside each other out of breathe.

I look at his goofy smile and he looks at mine. The world seemed to consist of only us at the moment. I cuddled into his warm chest and his arms soon wrapped around me. Harry rested his head in the crook of my neck. "My shining star." He hums.
"My handsome prince." I hum in response.

"I can't seem to understand what I would ever do without you." Harry mumbles into my hair.

"Same." I giggle tracing his abs with my finger.

Narrator pov:
The two talked the night away with sweet endearments, and soft kisses. They fell fast asleep in each other's arms safe from the world. Though no evil would be lurking anytime soon, they were easy for whatever foe came their way.
Mr. And Mrs. Hook.

The Neverland star twinkled while they slept and very soon would take them home...

"She also said she would give him a kiss if he liked, but Peter did not know what she meant, and he held out his hand expectantly."
-J.M. Barrie Peter Pan

Author's note:
Ok so first• yes this was incredibly awkward for me to write but we needed something happy after my let down of not posting since Sunday.
Second• Harry wants babies!
Third• first chapter with no pictures? Idk I ran out of storage so that's why no pictures 😕
Fourth • OH MY GOSH WE HAVE 12.4k!!!😱 I'm dead! You people never cease to amaze me. I appreciate those who keep coming back every chapter and leaving all these likes and nice comments. WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE YOU ALL!?!😩🙌🏻😍

Until next time -Izzy 💓

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