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Harry's pov:
"Well that went f*cking swell didn't it?" Cheshire chuckled walking out from the shadows.
"Shut the bloody hell up cat or Ima hook you!" I threatened.
"Please. Hare bear the only thing you scare is the woman of your dreams." Cheshire retorted.
"Name one reason why I shouldn't skin you?" I smirk nearing him.

"Wow keep looking at me like that and people will start shipping us." Cheshire winked playfully before blowing a kiss. "Now, what are you gonna do about the Birdie?" He bit his lips teasing.

"Curiosity killed the cat." I scowl at Cheshire storming off. He quickly pops in right in front of me and I groan.
"Leave me alone!" I seethed glaring at him.
"Whatever you say my lord." Cheshire bows chuckling before vanishing out of sight.

My mind was racing a mile a minute. Why did she say no? Was it me? Does she love me? Am I ugly? I groan in frustration and plant myself on a large mushroom pulling out a small notebook from my coat.

"Dear Olive,I regret letting you slip from my grasp

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"Dear Olive,
I regret letting you slip from my grasp. If you could find it in your heart to forgive my stupid arse, then meet me in the woods not far from your dads house at 8. I want to make things right again."

Harry Hook

I yell for Wesley and he pops in.
"Ooh what's that queenie?" He purred before turning his attention to me. "Ew. Is you." He rolls his eyes.

"I would ask about your ridiculous eye glitter but I'm really not in the mood

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"I would ask about your ridiculous eye glitter but I'm really not in the mood. Can you deliver this note to Olive please?" I sigh, I'm putting my faith in a horny rabbit man to save my relationship.
"Says the one who wears girl's eyeliner but I don't complain. And fine but if she hits me then I'm blaming your sorry arse." Wesley groans.
"Thanks rabbit." I pat his back handing him the letter.
"Yeah yeah." He rolls his eyes before vanishing.

"I have so much work to do." I huff before scrambling into the woods.

Olive's pov:

"Mal?" I gulp trying to form a sentence.
"What's up Liv?" Mall drawls from the other side of the phone.
"Harry and I broke up." I shiver trying to grasp my words.
"That sucks hon. Eat some ice cream, you'll feel better." Mal suggested.
"But Mal that's not it, he proposed. And I said no." I gulp.
"Well shit. Um... I don't know Liv this seems like something you need to work out on your own." Mal blurted not seeing a good ending to this conversation.
"Do I still love him Mal?" I sighed on the phone.
"Like I said Liv, this is something you have to ask yourself." Mal returned the sigh.
*call hangs up*

"Delivery for one messed up teen!" Wesley shouted popping up at the foot of my bed.
"Jesus! There is such things as doors! Try it sometime?!" I shrieked trying to calm my fast beating heart.

Wesley shrugged and handed my a small note. "This is for you." He winked before disappearing. Dammit I was gonna ask him something.
I opened the letter and it wrote:

"Dear Olive,
I regret letting you slip from my grasp. If you could find it in your heart to forgive my stupid arse, then meet me in the woods not far from your dads house at 8. I want to make things right again."
Harry Hook

I groan falling on my bed looking at my clock. The time read 6:30
I growled before pulling myself off the bed.
The things I do for you pirate!

"You're thinking about something, and it makes you forget to talk."
-Lewis Carroll Alice in Wonderland

Author's note:
Short chapter because I have to go to bed early since I have school tomorrow😕
For school days I plan to write a chapter every two days.😊💓
Until next time -Izzy 💓

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