Chapter 17: They're safe, but what about us?

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Heyo people! Chapter 17 is...*Stopped by shouting*

Gingka and Kyoya: Special move...!

Benkei and Kenta: Special move...!

*Yell to outshout them* I think we'll be putting the A/N stuff in the bottom. Enjoy the chapter!


Outside early morning/ ??? POV

After a long long night, you would have thought the red-haired champion would have gone to bed as one of the first, since he after all had been the one taking the decision about calling it a day. But Gingka was too anxious to could go to bed. The night had been full of questions as well as frightening discoveries.

Gingka stood in the shadow of the B-Pit with his arms folded. He had no doubt the others had thought the same as he, when Madoka brought the question up about star-fragments. Neither was he doubting Benkei's assumption could be closer to reality than what were comfortable. Gingka weren't exactly hype on Scarlett's brother who seemed to lack the concern for others than himself and his sister. Maybe the reason for his small enthusiasm for him could be caused because, he had been  the one to send attacks at their helicopter? Gingka wasn't quite sure. The only thing that however were important was the threat they were up against now.

???: You seem like I just insulted your dad again.

Gingka looked up to searching for the source of the voice. Right beside him stood Ryuga huffing with his normal taunting smile. Instead of responding to his rival's comment, Gingka sighed and shook his head.  Giving less than a care, Ryuga leaned up of the same wall as he crossing his arms as well.

Ryuga: You know I'm joking Hagane. It's not normal to see your annoying smile gone.

Gingka: I know.

Ryuga: Short on answers as well. Who would have thought that possible.

Feeling a elbow nudging him in the side, Gingka looked surprised at his rival. It was a rar thing to have the Dragon Emperor trying to encourage you. Even more because for just few minutes ago he had seemed like everything but talkative.

Gingka: I'm just worried, whether Doji will be successful with his plan and the 'project' his been working on. Could it bring....

Ryuga: Could it bring Nemesis back? C'mon you were the one saying long ago he needed every 10 pieces to return. As what I know only 3 of the fragments are here in Japan.

Gingka: I guess. But if he isn't planning on reviving Nemesis how would he bring the world into a new era? 

Ryuga: *Snort* You really believe in that babble? He's a old senile man. It's not about world domination anymore, only revenge. Everybody else who have met you couldn't care less controlling the world. They just want to crush you and the others.

Gingka: So instead of wanting supremacy, they just want us dead?

A wry smile formed on Ryuga's face as he nodded, as the red-haired had come on the right track. Gingka let a hand slip down to Pegasus case in his belt. If it really was true Dark Nebula had created a way to kill people by simply crushing their bey-spirit, they had to stop it before it could be used for more than only revenge. Maybe Doji only had developed it for vengeance, but who knew what he would do with the new discovery if they actually got rid of him and the others?

Ryuga: Forget the self-sacrificial-nonsense you're thinking right now and go rest instead. We'll talk about it tomorrow.

Gingka widened  his eyes surprised at his rival who  just rolled his eyes in disbelief for having guessed right. Instead of saying further, Ryuga signed against the B-Pit's slide doors and turned around leaving the red-haired alone.

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