Fighting for love

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Neil entered the building and immediately hid himself as some goons were playing cards after some way inside the entrance. They seemed to be pretty drunk and had not noticed Neil at all.

He took the left entrance corridor from there which was the only way he wouldn't have to cross those goons. Neil jogged swiftly to an opening where he could climb to the first floor. Neil leapt up and swung his fit form up to the first floor with ease. He then ran and checked each of the rooms on that floor to find  avni.

Neil was about to give up and go to another floor when the last room he saw was bolted from the outside as if somebody was locked inside. Neil had a weird feeling about it. He slid the bolt open quietly and entered the room. It was dark actually. There was no light switch he could find and as he walked he stumbled upon a body!

Neil bent down and touched the body in dark and he knew! It was his avni. They had tied her up like an animal and thrown her inside a dark room. Also when neil further touched her face, he caught something wet apart from dried up blood. It was fresh blood. These animals had struck her recently. Neil almost cried with relief when he had found her but now he was not wanting to stay with her. All he wanted to do was to go and find each of the guys and squeeze their throats with his own hands.

In his line of work, Neil had seen a lot of cases of heinous crimes such as murder, rape, dacoity. What moved him each time was the reason behind committing the crime. He was fascinated by criminal psychology. He saw there were crimes of passion and crimes of premeditatation. The latter generally had the worst category of humans committing them. Their motivation being either money or sex.

In these guys case they had both motivations - they're selling sex for money after all .

The one important thing in Neil's life was avni. He had wanted to always keep her smiling and safe. He dared not see her in full light to see what they'd done to her. Neil knew he'd die if something happened to his avni. But he had no time to think of all this. He had to act fast and move them out of that room before anyone came up to check.

Neil picked her up fireman style so that his mobility is not affected. This also meant Neil couldn't see his wife's face. She was slung across his shoulders.

He then got out of the room and bolted it back. Then he carried avni to another room where he could see her in the light..

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