The game

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DD had been told on phone that Neil was not responding to mesaages etc and there was no contact with him and they would raid the building with full force if no contact established. Unfortunately that is very easy when it looks in movies, but in real life during such operations it was difficult to differentiate between friend and foe. There were many cases of friendly fire, most of them went undocumented for obvious reasons. Hence he was extremely worried.

Avni was in a sedated sleep now and DD didn't want to be the one to inform Neil's family members. Especially when neil had himself not specifically asked him to do so. DD was not sure what equation avni shared with Neil's family post the accidental drama ridden  wedding and he was adamant that she should not be made to take any stress. Neil's dad was the only person who would understand but right now it was late night and DD let them sleep, while he stood awake keeping an armed watch outside Avni's room.

On the other hand Neil was having serious timing issues. By the time he could think of getting any rescue plan going, goons had come to prepare all girls and create some space for people who were coming in for selecting and purchasing them like cattles! There was not enough time to manage the rescue now and attacking in the room would mean possible harm to these girls. Also Neil's messenger cellphone was not working possibly due to signal issues on this side of the building.

He now had two guns on him and took a call. That he will let the auction to go ahead and while all are busy with it he will incapacitate goons starting from outside the room till only the people inside the closed room are left to be dealt with.

Suddenly he felt his phone vibrate and thanked God. It was a message from his team outside. He sent the revised data and plan to them. It was agreed that the team will infiltrate the building only after the auction starts. Neil also sent the positions and numbers of pandits men guarding the building.

Soon neil could see pandits guests who were essentially buyers of these girls being escorted into the room from various rooms where they had been staying!

He heard some whispering about avni having not come yet but stayed put. There was nothing that could be done about it for now. Mostly they would send a few goons to check up on it in sometime and he needed to do something before that!

Soon pandit arrived himself. He was a relatively mild looking man, one whom you would not look upon twice. But had a mad glint in his eyes of power and of evil. As pandit entered everyone stood up and then the door closed!

Neil got into action. He blinked a light from his phone as a signal to his team outside and then climbed to the top floor. He did a quick check and there were no Guards on the top two floors. Maybe it was only used as storage and for 'guests'. He came back on the auction floor and eliminated the three guards who were guarding outside of the door.

Neil didn't have an option to use a gun so he did  what he was best at - hand to hand combat. The guys did not know what came upon them and they were down with broken necks or just whacked out unconscious.

Neil then saw that his team had already covered first two floors and was coming in on their floor. It meant only one thing. That they had eliminated all goons on first two floors or incapacitated them.

Neil would proud to see it was only three teams members of his who had come so far and had conquered all. Mitali was keeping guard at the entrance he came to know along with another commando.

Neil then signaled that about five unarmed buyers and fifteen girls were inside along with pandit and his deputy who were mostly armed. He doubted the buyers would maintain any will to fight armed police. They would only try to flee and save their skin. Only pandit and his crooked toothed deputy would use their weapons or endanger lives.

Neil whacked his brains. He knew he performed best under pressure, just like all his studies were done well right the night before examinations. There was one way to get this all sorted bloodlessly.

Neil signaled his team. Then he picked up the walkie talkie of one of the unconscious goons and spoke on it  -"Pandit ji. Pandit ji. Avni khanna is dead in the room!"

He heard some swearing on the other side of the walkie talkie and then pandit and his right hand man came storming out of the room like two rats caught on a flooded ship. They went straight into police trap. Neil stood watching over his team taking these men into custody.

Just then mitali walked in. And she signaled other officers to go in the room and rescue the girls and arrest their buyers . She made pandit and his crook sit in a line and then trained her revolver behind their heads.

Neil looked at her with tired eyes -"no mitali. It is not for us to do this. We are the upholders of the law"

Mitali -"they have not done this only to avni but worse to many other girls. Maybe I feel more about it being a girl myself. But I'm OK to do this execution myself. You better look the other way Neil. It will be the last encounter I participate in"

Neil raised his hands to stop mitali but she had already shot the crook and had now trained her weapon on a trembling raghu pandit. The crime master  who had destroyed many women's and children's lives was now at a woman's mercy. It was poetic justice.

Neil turned and started going down the stairs this time. His legs were heavy but he continued walking. There was a code in commandos  and he wasn't going to break it. Mitali deserved her justice. As neil descended the stairs he heard a gunshot and then silence.

Raghu pandits life chapter was over.

Once outside, Neil waited enough for the inspector to file his statement version for the official report to be filed on the raid. And then he did what he had wanted to do since he had held an injured avni in that building. He took a jeep and drove it to the hospital they were keeping her in..

Neil was told to wait for some security before he left for the hospital but he didn't do so. He couldn't waste one more second now. He didn't even take first aid for his injuries from the medical van. He just wanted to have one more look at his wife and be by her side before he slept off for the night..

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