Escape room

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Neil made Avni stand up. And the he walked with her a little around the room. Before he took her out, he wanted to be sure that she can walk and even run on her own if needed!

And then they heard a noise at some distance. It was as if a single person was coming towards the hut! Neil quickly tied Avni back in the ropes. He let her knots remain loose though, he did not want to hurt her even a little. He then hid in one corner of that small dark room. Avni looked at him and he kept a finger on his lips, motioning her to be quiet!

The door opened. And in came Vikram!

Avni looked at him with hatred. Neil saw Vikram was well dressed even in a village, though his western style of clothing that he saw in CCTV was replaced with a khadi pajama kurta, Indian style. 

Vikram walked towards Avni. Clearly he did not suspect anyone else being in the room!

Vikram - "Did they give you food?"

Avni kept quiet. Neil just then noticed that Vikram had a gun stuffed by the side of his garments!

Vikram - "I am asking you something Mrs Khanna. Did you eat anything?"

Avni - "I did not. Nor did they give me. Even if they do, I will not touch your rotten food!"

Vikram looked back at her. Avni had a new fire in her eyes. He was interested.

He kept looking at her and then guffawed - "There is Commendable rebellious spirit inside you...". And then he moved closer to her.

Neil clenched his hand.

Vikram brought his face closer to Avni, so that his breath was almost falling on her face. She moved her face sideways in disgust. Vikram got visibly angry. He pulled her hair in one hand of his and forced her to look up to him.

Vikram - "You cannot look away from me. Your husband thinks he is the messiah of all the poor in Jaguda! Well news, he is not! I am the one who saved the villagers from atrocities. I am the one who showed them the way to pick up weapons and snatch away their rights from the government. You think you are brave? Hahahha.. you are not Avni. You will stay without food for one night and your spirit will break. Maybe in two nights if you are stronger. But each person in my gang has seen death, they have seen hunger snatching way their loved ones. I am the one who has taught them to snatch their food away from the mouths of rich people! They will always stay loyal to me!"

Avni smiled even in pain. Vikram was amused.

Vikram - "What?" and he left her hair. Neil's fists unclenched. He relaxed. He was almost going to attack Vikram without thinking of consequences but now he stopped and listened further.

Avni   - "You think you are the messiah of poor. This is laughable. Are you running an NGO here? Are you showing them how to earn their living? Are you not making humans kill humans? You are only one thing Vikram.. Monster. "

Vikram went red in the face with anger. He raised his hand and slapped her with full strength. Avni fell down. Vikram raised his leg this time to kick her in the stomach.

But then NEil lunged out from the dark. His attack was both surprising and lethal. Vikram did not stand a chance. Neil pinned him down and then banged Vikram's head against the floor. Vikram started bleeding and lost consciousness. 

NEil went to Avni and untied her again. He made her stand up.

He put his hand on her face where Vikram had dared hurt her. He kissed her there very gently, trying to absorb her pain. Avni hugged him. It seemed finally they were going to be free of this thing. Neil took out his mobile and messaged DD, asking the police team to attack and round off all criminals in that place. 

Finally Neil was free to talk to Avni openly. He put both his hands on her cheeks and said - "Avni.. sweetheart. Why are you so brave love? Kya zaroorat thi to stand up against Vikram. I was here right? You could  have acted diplomatically and saved yourself this hurt. What if he would have done something else?" (.. what was the need..)

Avni spoke quietly. 

Avni - "The point was not he could have hurt me. yes he would have. But he would not have killed me, that he wanted to do after he caught you. The point was Neil.. that this man was under the delusion that he was the God of these poor people, that he was doing the right thing by doing what he did. He was a cruel man, but also a deranged one who justified his ways. If everyone would keep quiet in front of such men and let them be, then what sort of a world will we be leaving behind for our children?"

What she said made Neil see her in an entirely different light. This was his girl who would stand up for her principles and convictions. He had not seen any girl as brave as Avni. 

Mitali, his colleague in police force was brave in carrying out her duty, but that was different. She was trained for that!  Avni on the other hand was just brave in each thing she did. In the way she lived her life!

Neil felt blessed. He embraced Avni and they stood together basking in the warmth of their millionth hug, that still seemed like the first one!

And then Neil looked down on Avni and lifted her chin towards him - "Did I hear you mention children? Is my Joan of Arc wanting to have children? I would love to!" and he grinned.

Avni said - "And I would not. We have discussed it Neil. I do not want to procreate like a guinea pig"

Neil bowed in front of her - "As my lady love wants! " and smiled lovingly.

It was almost dawn. DD came in to open the door and then turned his back blushing. Neil was kissing Avni and they were oblivious of anyone around them..

DD smiled as he walked out. He looked up to the sky that was getting red with the first sun rays.. and thanked his God for making everything alright.

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