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I wake up to the sound of birds chirping, the smell of breakfast, at 9 am, and- just kidding. I wake up to pounding on my door at 3 am on a school night.

"Go away," I mumble using my pillow to cover my ears.

"Star! Open up," a voice says angrily pounding once more on the door.

"Ugh," I mumble getting up. I trudge over to the door and unlock it. I guess I forgot to unlock it before I went to bed last night. Shaking my thoughts away, I open the door to find a furious Jacob.

"I have been pounding on this door for hours!" He growls.

"Sorry bud, I was asleep," I reason crossing my arms.

"Just wait for your punishment," He threatens.
Woah what. No no no no. The last time, he gave me freaking hickeys in front of everyone.

"Stop zoning out and close the door," He demands walking into my room.

"Whatever," I mumble closing the door. I'm lucky I still get to sleep. I walk over to my bed and climb in. Jacob walks over and climbs in too.

"Can't you just sleep on the floor for once," I argue.

"Just shut up," He mumbles. Boi if you don't. Good thing I'm next to the wall because he's going to get pushed off. I wait a couple of minutes before mustering all of my strength and pushing him off the bed.

"Ughh," He groans landing with a thud on the floor.
"Why the hell did you do that," He yawns scratching his head.

"You were being a dick," I mutter.

"A what?" He tests.

"A dick." I hiss. He gets up and climbs onto the bed.

"You're not going to like your punishment," He snickers climbing into the bed.

- Monday Morning -

I hear the sound of my alarm and slowly get up out of my bed and turn it off. I get dressed and do all that jazz.

"Hey Star," my mom chirps getting her things ready.

"Hi," I reply emotionless grabbing my back pack. I look over to see Jacob trotting down the stairs.

"Jacob hurry up, we have to leave," my mom demands.

"Okay," he responds grabbing his back pack as well.
We head out to the car and get in. I can't help but be a little nervous, I mean, I have a group of idiots that hate me, and I have to worry about what Jacobs going to do to me.

We finally get to school and I have no clue what to do. Where do I go? Where do I sit at lunch? Who do I talk to? I go over to my locker and unpack my things.

Uhm, I'll just go to the, library. Yeah, the library. I'm not actually going to go read, who do you think I am? I'm going to go on my phone.

I finally reach the library and sit down at an empty table. I take out my phone and go on Instagram. I'm scrolling through until I see a post.

'StarLight is a total bitch'

Who posted that. Ah, Kelsey. She's too scared to go up to my face and say it. I can't wait to see Wren. It will be hilarious to see her black eye and broken nose.

The bell rings and I get up and walk to my first hour. Luckily Kelsey nor Jc is in that class. I set my stuff down and take a seat. What should our video be about?

"Okay class, get with your partners and start discussing video ideas, once you have figured it out come up to me and I will write it down, this way none of you will have the same videos," Mr. Clarkson explains.

I get up and walk over to Jacob, sitting on top of him. I'm not in the mood to tease him right now. That will have to be for later.

"These videos will be filmed at home, or after school hours if you need to film in the school," Mr. Clarkson states. "Now I'll leave you to it," He says walking out of the room. Does he always leave us alone? Jesus.

"So what should our film be about?" Jacob asks.

"Bullying?" I answer. It's the first thing that popped into my mind.

"Actually, yea that's a good idea," He responds.

"Great, then its settled," I finish. Shortly after, Mr. Clarkson comes back and he agrees on our film choice and writes it down.

"Do you know what happened to Wren? She has a black eye and a busted nose. She says she fell, but I don't believe it," Jacob states crossing his arms.

Ha. She isn't telling everyone that I punched her. What a loser. I wouldn't have touched her if she would've decided to be civil and not push me. That's her fault.

"Nope, no clue," I lie, my back leaning against his chest. He wraps his arms around me and rests his hands on my hips. It's a pretty comfortable position to be honest.

"Are they like... dating?" I hear a girl whisper to her friend.

"I don't even know!" The other girl responds.

"Do you think she likes him?" One girl asks.

NEVER. Never ever ever will I ever like Jacob. I don't fall for fuck boys, It's that simple. The bell finally rings and I head out to my next class only to be stopped and slammed into the lockers.

"Mph," I groan, ouch. That hurt. I look up to see who it was only to meet the eyes of Jacob with a mischievous grin plastered on his face.

"Paybacks a bitch," he whispers crashing his lips onto mine. WOAH. CODE RED. CODE RED. JACOB IS KISSING ME IN FRONT OF EVERYONE. I try to push away, but he holds me in place.

"Jacob, let me go," I demand breaking the kiss.

"Nope," he replies continuing the kiss. You have got to be kidding me. Okay um, think. I could knee him in the nuts? I could.... IVE GOT IT. I can tickle him!

"Yup" I answer freeing my hands.

"Payback is a bitch."

I move my hands to his sides and start tickling him. He jolts back, but I still have a firm grip on him. I continue to tickle him until he is on the floor laughing.

I think that's enough. I get up and walk to my class, pretending like nothing ever happened. Yes, I can feel everyone's eyes burning a hole into my head.

"HEY SLUT!" I hear a familiar annoying voice call out.

A/N sorry for the short chapter!! At least it's around 11128 words! Make sure to vote, comment, and add this story to your reading list! Bye guys <3

I think I'm in love with him (Jacob Sartorius Fan-Fic)Where stories live. Discover now