Fight with the Populars

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"Oh god, now what?" I huff rolling my eyes. Let me take a second to explain who these idiots are. Paige is mean and popular, Kady is mean and popular, and Wren is mean and popular. Wow! Would ya look at that, they all have something in common. They are really just popular because they are 'good looking' and all the boys swoon over them.

"How could you kiss your bffs man?!" Kady asks, crossing her arms.  Me, Kelsey, and Jc hate them, or now, Kelsey hated them.

"Boy, he is a boy. Obviously not a man," I bark.

"Big difference! You should never kiss your bffs crush!" Kady retorts.

"Who? She's obviously not my best friend," I mumble copying Kady's pose.

"Stop dodging my question and just answer it!" She snarls.

"Listen, Kelsey barely said three words to him, I fucking live with him! What did you expect, if you don't fucking talk to your crush, they aren't going to magically like you back," I growl.

"Whatever! There's a thing called girl code!" She yells.

"Yea, and there's a thing called spending less time on social media, but does it look like we do that," I jeer.

"Ugh! Someone else talk to her, I can't deal with this," Kady says annoyed. Her other friend Paige comes up to me.

"Listen here-" Before she could say anything else I interrupt.

"I don't care."

"What I was going to say-"

"I don't care."

"I think-"

"I don't care."


"I don't care."

"UGH! IM DONE!" Paige screams taking a step back. The other girl, Wren, walks up to me.

"Hey little bitch, I suggest you shut the fuck up and listen to what I have to say," Wren snarls.

"I'd rather not," I snort turning around. I don't even care right now. These girls just want two things in life, drama and attention. I guess I'll just lock myself in my- before I can finish my thoughts I feel a shove, sending me hurling towards the ground hitting my head on a rock.

Did she just? Tell me she didn't. She's going to regret that. I'm not holding back anymore. Ouch, my head. I think its bleeding. I feel my head and sure enough there is a cut on my forehead. Does she not know that, that could kill someone?

"The fuck did you just do," I swear getting up.

"What does it look like I did," Wren smirks crossing her arms.

"Do not tell me you just pushed me. Do not," I say dead serious.

"I did," She sass's. "Now listen up-" I'm not listening to her, if she thinks she can shove me and get away with it. She has another thing coming. I take a step towards her and slap her as hard as humanly possible, making my hand sting.

"Ahhh!" She screams. "Y-you s-slapped me!" She yells holding her cheek.

"Obviously, if you thought even for a second, that you could shove me without me doing anything back, well you just might be retarded, wait, you are," I snort.

"You bitch!" She screams running toward me. Seriously? Why does she think that she can beat me in this. This is my specialty, fighting. After all, I do boxing.

"You might want to think about trying to get into a fight with me, Wren," I say unamused.

"Why is that," She snaps stopping an inch away from me.

"You want to find out?" I ask crossing my arms. "I'll be glad to demonstrate on you."

"I'll take my chances," She sneers.

"Suit yourself," I smirk. She tries to slap me, but I easily dodge it. That was too obvious. She throws another hit at me and I block it again. "Is this all you got?" I taunt walking backwards. She lunges toward me and tries to shove me, I easily turn it back on her and shove her to the ground.

"Weak," I snort.

"UGH!" She screams getting up. "Bitch!" I snap my head in her direction staring at her. I've had enough, It's my turn to hit her.

"It's my turn," I mutter cracking my knuckles. I take a step towards her. "Time to have a taste of your own medicine bitch," I smile punching her as hard as possible in the face.

"AAAHHHH!" She wails falling on the ground. "Help me! THIS CRAZY BITCH HIT ME!" I look over to her friends and see a mixture of fear and worry spread across their faces. I look over to Kelsey and see her fidgeting.

"Uhm, I uh, should've told you, she um, does um, boxing," Kelsey murmurs nervously. Before I can hear Wrens reply, I turn and start walking home. This time If someone pushes me, or even lays a hand on me they are getting knocked out.

Im glad I gave Wren a black eye and a broken nose. She deserves it. I finally reach my house and walk in. Just go to your room and lock everyone out. Right as I step in the house my mom rushes over to me.

"Star! Are you okay, the boys told me you left!" She worries.

"Yea yea I'm fine, I just went to the park," I say leaning my head down hoping she doesn't see my cut.

"Oh okay," She calms down. "Im going to make dinner."

"K," I respond heading up to my room. Finally, room sweet room. I open the door, ready to collapse in my bed when I see two angry boys sitting on my bed. Oh come on.

"Out," I bark pointing to the door.

"Where did you go! What made you think you could just walk away!" Jc shouts.

"Hmm, oh wait I forgot! I'm giving you your nose back," I snap.

"What?" He asks confused.

"I found it in my business," I smile sarcastically. "Now get out, or I'll make you."

"What happened to your head?" Jacob interrupts.

"Oh look, I found your nose in my business too," I snort.

"No seriously, what happened to your head, you're covered in blood," Jc asks worriedly.

"Thats an understatement," Jacob seconds.

"Wren and her snobs happened. I went to the park and Kelsey was with Wren, Paige, and Kady. Wren pushed me and I hit my head on a rock, there I told you, now leave," I scoff.

"What?" Jc asks surprised.

"Are you deaf?" I snort crossing my arms.

"Did you punch her back?" Jacob wonders.

"Yep," I say popping the p.

"I knew you would," Jacob laughs. Oh fuck me. I have to kiss him? Seriously. I HAVE TO KISS HIM AT THIS MOMENT? UGH. FML. I uncross my arms and walk over to Jacob. Poop face. I grab his face and kiss him on the lips and immediately pull away.

"Um, WHY DID YOU JUST KISS HIM?" Jc yells confused. I roll my eyes and grab both of them by the t-shirt, dragging them out of my room.

"You're lucky I didn't punch your ugly ass face, Jc," I snort slamming the door shut.

Why me? I hate life right now, I still have Sunday and then I have to go to prison. Wish me luck.




A/N: Sorry for the extreme amount of cussing in this! I feel like cuss words are appropriate for fights because it shows more emotion. hahah. Okay bai.

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