The New Boys..

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What do I do? What do I do? My mom can't find out about this. I look at Jacob nervously, trying to think of something.

"Okay fine, we were kissing," I admit. What am I doing?

"I knew it!" She crackles.

"So what's the punishment? Anything but calling my mom," I plead.

"I'm still going to call your mom," She states.

I have to do something she wouldn't expect me to do. Something that would catch her off guard. Okay, so my mom will be on an airplane so the call won't go through. I hope.

"Might as well live once," I sigh. I can't believe I'm actually doing this. She shoots me a weird look and I get up.

I walk over to Jacob and straddle him. Deep breath. I feel her eyes bore into my skin, but I continue. I move my hands to cup his face and lean in. I gently kiss him and he kisses back.

His arms wrap around my waist and I bring one of my hands up to his hair and run my hand through it.  He bites my lip and continues to kiss me.

I break the kiss and whisper into his ear, "this is a distraction from her calling my mom, as soon as we get out of here I need to get my phone and switch my moms number with the home phone."

"Got it," he nods.

I sit back down and look at my P.E. teacher. Her mouth is wide open and her eyes are wide. I do a cheeky smile and try to mentally prepare myself for the punishment.

"Suspension, both of you," she snarls.


"Come on! Hurry!" I yell, sprinting home. I reach the house and go straight to the phone. I switch the numbers and let out a breath of relief.

"Okay, when they call I am going to have to act like my mom," I state.

"Alright," he agrees.

*Ring Ring* the phone goes off.

I quickly pick up the phone and prepare myself.

"Hi, this is Starlights P.E. teacher Kelly, this is Starlights mom and the guardian of Jacob, correct?" She asks.

"Yup," I say mimicking my moms voice.

"Great, I was calling to say that they both have suspension!" She responds.

"Oh no! Why?" I say 'worried'.

"They were kissing in the girls locker room, and right in front of me!" She sighs dramatically.

"Wow, I'll have to talk to them," I say, sounding angry.

"We should have coffee sometime, you know, talk about girl stuff," she suggests.

"Yea no," I disagree, hanging up.

I let out a breath of relief, putting the phone back.

I give him a 'she's a complete retard look' and he laughs.

"What did she say?" Jacob laughs.

"She legit asked if we wanted to have coffee sometime and talk about girl stuff," I say making a face.

"That's not weird at all," he agrees. I nod.

"So," he blurts out of nowhere.

"Sooo," I drag on.

"Just me and you," he says slowly, taking a step closer to me. "Alone."

"Yea, no," I laugh running away.

I think I'm in love with him (Jacob Sartorius Fan-Fic)Where stories live. Discover now