He kissed Wren...

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We both jolt up from the couch at the same time. Oh no. This is not good, I need to figure out a way to get out of this asap.

"What? I was just tickling him," I lie. Was that believable at all? That was probably the lamest excuse on planet earth.

"That's not what it looked like," She snaps, her hands on her hips.

"How long were you standing there?" I ask shyly.

"I just walked in, why?" She questions.

"I don't know, I wanted to know if you saw the reason why I was tickling him," I fake smile. Jacob isn't doing anything. He isn't speaking up at all.

"It looked like you two were kissing," she points out.

"Nope, just tickling him, although I bumped into him and busted my lip," I reply casually, showing her.

"Yup," Jacob seconds.

"Alright alright, I'm glad you two weren't kissing," She laughs.

"Heh, I'll be up in my room," I say nervously rushing up the stairs. I reach my room and quickly shut the door. Ohmygod that was too close. Literally can never happen again.

This means we need to be more careful. Wait what did I just think. We? WE? Their is no we. Whatever. I walk over to my bed and collapse onto it. My eyes feel heavier and heavier, so I give in and fall asleep.

I wake up and it's only 5:00 pm. I guess I just took and hour nap. Where's Jacob? I'd expect him to be here, whatever. I'm going to go to the park and hopefully I won't run in to the three stooges and their ugly step sister.

I finally get to the park and walk over to my favorite tree undisturbed. I climb the tree and sit there for a moment, enjoying the slight breeze, green grass, and the smell of fresh air.

Is anyone else at the park? Usually it's not very busy. I look around and see a boy and girl sitting on the bench holding hands, not too far away from me. I wish I wasn't single af rn.

Am I? I don't know what me and Jacob are. We just kiss all the time. I look over at the boy and girl seeing the boy lean in to kiss her. It looks so cute, I wish I could have a relationship like that. I look closer, trying to see who the boy and girl are.

Maybe they go to my school. Wait a second. Is that Wren? Wren is the girl? Who is she kissing? I squint my eyes trying to get a better view of the boy. My heart dropped. I felt broken. Jacob. That boy is Jacob.

Kissing Wren. My head starts to get dizzy and I want to throw up. I climb down the tree and run home. Why would he kiss Wren? Does he not know I hate her. I'm shocked, I can't process this through my brain.

I thought he wasn't kissing anyone else but me. I forgot what an actual fuck boy he is. I don't want to be his sloppy seconds. I run up into my room and slam the door shut. Why do I care so much? It's not like we are together.

Maybe I can't quite get over the fact that he stole my first kiss.

- 2 hours later -

It's 7 pm and he's still a no show. Do you think he? Did he? With her? No he couldn't of. But he could've. Ugh stop overthinking things. Where is he though? WHY AM I ACTING LIKE AN OVER PROTECTIVE GIRLFRIEND. IM NOT EVEN HIS GIRLFRIEND.

"Star, please come down here," My mom says gently.

I open the door and walk downstairs to see Jacob and my mom sitting down at the table. What is this. Why is he here? Did he just decide it was a great time to show up? Dick head.

"What is this?" I question sitting down.

"You know I have a very difficult job, and as an flight attendant," she sighs.

"Okay, go on?" I reply unsurely.

"I have to go China on one of my trips, which means you two will be staying alone at the house for a while, I trust you to stay home with him and not get into any trouble," She implies.

"Oh, okay," I answer shocked. No mom, you can't leave me with him, help me. SAVE ME.

"I'm leaving tomorrow morning, so this is the last time I will see you until I get back, I have money left out, food and everything you'll need," She reassures.

"Okay," I nod. I glance over at Jacob to see him intensely staring at me. "Goodnight mom, Love you," I get up and hug her, then walk up to my room.

Why would she leave us alone together? Why was Jacob there? My thoughts are interrupted when Jacob walks in, closing the door behind him.

Just ignore him. You don't want to be his sloppy seconds. Why is it so hard to ignore him? WHY IS HE SO GOD DAMN CUTE? Why did he have to kiss Wren. I DONT KNOW.

"Hey," He says.

No reply.

"Hey," He says again.

No reply.

"What's wrong," He sighs.

I bet he thinks he got away with kissing Wren. What am I talking about? Why do I care.

"Get out," I spit facing him.

"No thanks," He smirks.

"Why not? Why do you care so much about sleeping in the same room with me?" I rant.

"Because I get to kiss you," He says biting his lip.

I'm not going to be sloppy seconds. I wouldn't want to kiss someone who has kissed Wrens infected mouth.

"What? How did you know," He asks surprised.

Shoot, did I say that out loud?

"Yep," He smirks popping the p.

I back away from him slowly. I need to get out of this situation right now. He pins me against the wall and gets super close to my face.

"How do you know," He repeats. IVE GOT IT. I KNOW HOW I CAN GET HIM BACK!

"It's none of your business. Clearly since you can't help your fuckboyness and go around kissing sluts, You don't care about me," I smile.

"Why would it matter if I cared about you. I don't like you at all," He growls.

"That's why you can't stop kissing me. Since you don't care, you can't kiss me anymore," I smirk.

"Fine," He mumbles backing away.

I'm going to get a boyfriend.

And it's not going to be him.
A/N: oooooh things are about to go down!! Bai guys! <3

I think I'm in love with him (Jacob Sartorius Fan-Fic)Where stories live. Discover now