Chapter 4

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Idea from Jbosstocool


We sat in Professor Snape's Potion's class and he was droning on and on about a paired assignment. To be honest with you, I'd kind of blocked him out. He had the most boring voice and, what made things even worse, he as head of Slytherin House - the house my brother was in, the house I was supposed to be in.

God, my parents were going to kill me when they find out. I'll never be back here. I'll have to go work for Him - He Who Shall Not Be Named. I don't want to do that. He scares me.

"River!" Professor Snape yelled, dragging me out of my thoughts.

I snapped my head up to look at him. "Y-yes sir?" I asked. Why the hell am I stuttering? Pull yourself together, River.

"Your partner will be...." Professor Snape paused to let the tension build as he pulled a name out of the box in front of him - deciding he'd do the partners randomly.

"Hermione." Professor Snape announced flatly.

What? Hermione? Oh, god!

Swallowing nervously and turned my head and caught Hermione's eye. I sent her a shy smile. She eyed me suspiciously, as if she suspected I wouldn't do any work.

Oh god, this will be hard! Please, help me!

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