Chapter 17

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Hermione and River sat in the common room all night, waiting for Draco and his friends to come through the doors. They were curled up by the fire, half asleep when the doors finally opened at midnight. They heard the three boys whispering to each other in hushed voices.

River sat up and watched her brother, giving half- asleep Hermione's shoulder a gently shake. "What are you three doing in here? This is Gryffindor. Not Slitherin." She said.

Hermione slowly sat up and looked at the three boys.

"Draco! Thought you said everyone in Gryffindor would be asleep?" Crabbe groaned.

"Quiet weasel!" Draco demanded. He crossed the room and looked down at his sister. He pulled his wand from his clock and pointed it at his sister. He narrowed his eyes.

"You wouldn't dare." River challenged him. She pulled her own wand from underneath the blanket. She pointed it at her bother.

"How did you know we were going to be here?" Draco spat.

"You weren't exactly sneaky when you were discussing it in the middle of the halls." Hermione said. "We heard you."

"Quiet you filthy little mudblood! I wasn't asking you!" Draco snapped.

River let out a tiny growl. "Don't call her that! Don't talk to her like that!" She snapped at her brother.

The sound of feet coming down the stairs caused everyone to freeze. The Gryffindor prefect stood at the bottom of the stairs. He watched the five first years for a moment before moving into the room and grasping the three boys by the hoods of their cloaks. "Come on boys, I think Dumbledore will have a lot to say about this, sneaking into another houses dorm room and being in the halls after curfew." He marched the three boys to the doorway. "And girls. Get to bed."

The two girls got up and scurried to their room, giggling as they watched Draco and his friends being marched to Dumbledore's office, complete humiliation.

Give Me One Chance, Please - a Hermione Granger storyWhere stories live. Discover now