Chapter 16

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As Hermione and River walked around the corner towards the Great Hall, they saw Draco and his friends standing by the door in their Slytherin green robes. They were whispering about something.

River and Hermione frowned in confusion and looked at each other.

"Lets get a little closer." Hermione suggest, with a small smile. "Find our what they are planning."

River's face fell and she shook her head. "No. If Draco sees us, we are dead." She whispered.

"Who says he's going to see us." Hermione shrugged. "Let's hide behind that pillar."

River swallowed thickly. She glanced at her brother and then back at Hermione. She sighed heavily. "Fine."

Hermione smiled softly and leaned over. She pecked River's cheek and took her hand, leading her around the corner and to the pillar close to Draco and his friends.

"That Ron Weasley... he's an absolute idiot." Draco growled. "And don't even get me started on Potter..."

"I say we sneak into the Gryffindor Common Room and get revenge on Potter and Weasley." Crabbe sniggered.

"I like how you think Crabbe." Draco chuckled evilly. "We'll do something to get them kicked out of Hogwarts. But how do we get into their common room?"

"Ugh, River?" Goyle said, scratching his head.

Draco smirked. "Perfect. We do it tonight... by morning, Potter and Weasley will be gone." He laughed evilly. "Then we take care of River and Granger... that filthy little mud-blood." He spat.

Crabbe and Goyle laughed. "Sounds like a plan."

River stumbled causing an echo to bounce around the halls. She bit her lip.

"Let's get out of here." Draco said. "I don't want to be here when the Gryffindor'S come for lunch."

Crabbe and Goyle nodded and followed Draco away from the Great Hall.

"We have to stop them." Hermione turned to River, once the coast was clear.

"How?" River frowned. "What can we do?"

"I have a plan." Hermione smirked.

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