Chapter 7

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"River, come sit with us." Hermione said as I walked past. Stopping in my tracks, I turned to face her.

Hermione was sitting with her best friends, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. I looked at each of them.

Harry and Ron looked at me with disgust.

"But, she's a Malfoy." Ron said with a mouthful of toast and eggs.

"Just because she has the name doesn't mean she's like them." Hermione stated with a shrug. She patted the seat next to her.

I reluctantly took the seat beside her and across from Harry. "Hi." I said shyly. I took a piece of toast and began nibbling it slowly.

"Ron, Harry and I are going down to Hogsmeade today with Hagrid." Hermione announced. "Would you like to come?" She turned her head to look at me.

"Hermione!" Ron and Harry whined. Hermione ignored them.

"I've never been to Hogsmeade." I admitted, looking down at the slice of toast in my hand shyly.

"Then it's been decided, your coming to Hogsmeade with us." Hermione declared, earning a loud groaned from Harry and Ron. Yet again Hermione ignored them.

I felt like I was imposing. I shook my head. "No, you guys go. I can go another time. I don't want to impose."

"Nonsense." Hermione waved her hand. "You aren't imposing." She leaned down and kissed my cheek.

Ron and Harry's eyes widened in surprise. "What?!"

Hermione simply waved them off and turned back to her breakfast as if it was nothing. Blushing, I looked down at my toast and bit my lip.

Did she really like me? Or was this because of that stupid love potion for Professor Snape's class?

Give Me One Chance, Please - a Hermione Granger storyWhere stories live. Discover now