Chapter 5

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Continued idea from Jbosstocool Thanks for the help!


"Okay, River, what potion are we going to make?" Hermione asked as we sat on a bench in the courtyard, alone.

"Um." I thought. God, now I wished I'd listened to Professor Snape when he was droning on and on about this stupid assignment! "M-maybe we could make that potion that spawns doves?" I suggested. Stuttering? Seriously?

"Hmm, Isn't that a third year potion?" Hermione asked. She shook her head. "Maybe we could do the love potion? I saw it in our books. It's not too complicated."

"Y-yeah, lets go with that." I said nervously. Why the hell am I nervous? Pull yourself together, River, it's just Hermione, be need to be scared.

Hermione took a bite out of her sandwich, getting a little mayonnaise on the side of her lip.

Biting my lip, I considered telling her. "Um, H-Hermione, you have a little mayonnaise, on the side of your lip."

"Where?" She ran her tongue around her mouth and I couldn't help but stare at her tongue. "Did I get it?" She asked after a moment.

I shook my head and let out a soft giggle, lifting my arm and wiping away the mayonnaise with the sleeve of my jumper.

Our eyes met and my heart began pounding really hard in my chest - I was sure she could hear it. My stomach began to churn and I didn't feel hungry anymore, I felt sick.

Hermione pulled away from my hand and giggled nervously. "Um, thanks."

I sent her a shy smile and looked down at my hands. What the hell was that? What the hell is going on with me?


Double update today! Is there anything you guys want to happen? I'm running low on ideas.

Sorry for the long wait on the updates. Please don't be mad at me.

Thanks - Caitlinneil7

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