Chapter 18

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The next morning, Malfoy entered the Great Hall for his last breakfast ever at Hogwarts, muttering under his breath in annoyance. He'd been expelled, not only for what he had been planning to do to the famous Harry Potter, but for being out of bed and wandering the halls when he shouldn't have been. Dumbledore had expelled him! He was outraged. Angered! His parents were even more furious. Now he'd have to attend a muggle school and never use his powers again, not that he'd be able to, they'd snapped his wand. His expensive wand! He slumped down at the Slytherin table with a heavy sigh. He felt ashamed of himself. The slytherin table laughed at him even though he'd lost them two hundred house points, putting them in dead last after Hufflepuff. Ravenclaw has moved into first place with Gryffindor hot on their heels.

The whole school was discussing the incident that occurred the previous night and everyone knew the names Hermione Granger and River Malfoy. They were almost as famous as Harry Potter, although the two girls were not aware of it.

Ron and Harry entered the Great Hall and made their way over to the Gryffindor table. Harry stopped in front of River who was too busy munching on her crusty piece of toast to notice.

Harry cleared his throat. "River." He slid into the seat across from the blonde girl. "Thank you for what you did." He said. "Thank you for stopping your brother. I can imagine it must have been hard."

River dropped her toast onto her plate and looked up at Harry. "What do you mean?" She asked, confused.

"You saved my life. Your bother was planning to kill me in my sleep but you and Hermione stopped him." Harry informed her. "The whole school is talking about it. I suspect you'll get at least fifty house points for that." He said hopefully. "Then we'll be in the lead."

River blushed. "Possibly." She mumbled under her breath.

Harry smiled sweetly. He piled his plate with his breakfast.

"I guess you aren't like your bother." Ron commented. "You're alright. You and Hermione can hang out with us if you'd like."

River looked at Ron. She smiled shyly. "That would be nice." She said quietly. "Thank you."

Hermione leaned over and pecked River's cheek. "See I knew things would turn out great." She said with a soft smile.

River smiled back. "I guess you were right. As usual."


Hey guys,

I decided to end this book early. I was running out of ideas and loosing interest. I want to thank you for all the votes and support you guys have given me. It really had made me a more confident writer.

Thank you so much. Everyone.


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