Chapter 8

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I trudged behind Hermione, Harry and Ron who were laughing and pointing at things. I had to admit, I felt excluded and regretted coming.

"We are here!" Harry and Ron ran off leaving me alone with Hermione.

I sighed as she slowed her pace to march mine. "Hey." She smiled.

"Hi." I looked up at her.

"We should go to the park. It's pretty there." Hermione smiled.

I simply nodded and she took my hand, leading me to the park. I wasn't going to lie, I loved feeling her hand in mine, it felt right.

We wandered along the path until we came to a bench and Hermione pulled me over to it. She sat down and I copied her.

I wondered if the love potion was still working or if it had worn off. I sighed and shook this thought from my mind, looking up at the sky and watching the birds dance between the trees. I smiled.

Hermione watched me, her hand still in mine. She smiled and leaned over, kissing my cheek.

Blushing, I turned my head as she pulled back. "What was that for?"

"You're really pretty." Hermione smiled.

"Not as pretty as you." I responded with a shrug and she blushed.

"You're nothing like Draco." Hermione smiled. "That makes me happy."

My smile faded and I looked down in shame. "That's why I'm such a disgrace. My family literally disowned me."

"Oh." Hermione's smile faded. "I'm sorry."

I shook my head. "You didn't know." I looked up at her and forced a smile.

She smiled softly and leaned in. Our lips met and sparks flew between us. My eyes fluttered closed as her hand cupped my cheek. I felt like I could stay like this forever.

Give Me One Chance, Please - a Hermione Granger storyWhere stories live. Discover now