Chapter 6

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"Here, put this in the caldron." Hermione handed me a clear bottle with a yellowish liquid in it.

Swallowing, I took the bottle into my hand. "How much?" I asked quietly.

"It says here we need to put half of it in." Hermione responded with a shrug.

Copying Hermione's shrug, I pulled the cap off the clear bottle and poured half of it in. Putting the cap back on it bottle, I put it down.

Hermione stirred the mixture in the caldron. "Can you hand me the blue bottle?" She asked.

Nodding, I turned to the tray of bottles. There were three blue bottles sitting side-by-side.

Great! Just my luck! Which one it is?

Biting my lower lip, I closed my eyes and picked up one of the three bottles randomly before opening them and handing the bottle to Hermione.

"Thanks." She took the bottle and opened it, pouring a small amount into the caldron.

The potion exploded in the caldron with a loud bang causing Hermione and I to jump back in shock.

Oh no! That was the wrong bottle!

"What?!" Hermione seemed annoyed. She read the label on the bottle in her hand and muttered something under her breath before turning to look at me. Taking a deep breath, she seemed to calm down but I wasn't sure.

Swallowing nervously, I bit my lower lip. I expected her to yell at me but was surprised by what she actually did.

She leaned in and kissed my cheek.

Give Me One Chance, Please - a Hermione Granger storyWhere stories live. Discover now