Chapter 14

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( I'd like to thank @jediknighteli for their idea - Ron finds out about their relationship and tries to break them up and fight River because he's so jealous.)

Ron watched Hermione and River come into the Great Hall hand in hand. He narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "Hey, Harry." He nudged his best friend.

Harry turned to him. "What is it, Ron?" He asked.

"Do you think there is something going on with them?" He asked.

"Who?" Harry asked in confusion.

"Hermione and River." Ron said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Harry followed his friends eyes. "Um... I don't know.. maybe." He shrugged.

Ron shifted in his seat, jealously filling his eyes.

"Hey, guys." Hermione said, smiling, as she and River sat across from Harry and Ron.

"Hello," Harry greeted them with a kind smile.

Ron glared at them. "There is something going on between you two, isn't there?" He asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Um... yeah... but we aren't sure what exactly it is." Hermione said honestly.

This set Ron off and he lunged across the table, tackling River to the ground.

The wind was knocked out of River's chest and she gasped as they landed on the brick floor.

"Stay away from her, Malfoy." Ron growled in River's face, punching her. "She's a good person and your not."

A crowd formed around them, yelling: "Fight! Fight! Fight!"

"Ron!" Hermione yelled in shock. "Get off of her!"

Ron pulled his wand out and was chanting a curse to put on River who lay beneath him with fear in her eyes.

Two teacher caught sight of the fight and moved over to the them. They pulled Ron off of River and took his wand form his hand. They sent the surrounding students back to their dorms.

Hermione dropped down beside River to help her up. "You're okay." She said, trying to comfort the shaking girl. She rocked them back and forth. "You're okay."

Give Me One Chance, Please - a Hermione Granger storyWhere stories live. Discover now