Chapter 1

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"Elsa! Come on we're going to be late!" My dad shouted.

"I'm coming!"

I finished my hair and walked downstairs and saw all my uncles and dad waiting for me.


One Direction lads, duh!

All of my uncles and dad are still singers and a big band, but they have other jobs. They are still One Direction and all, but not as frequently as before. They are all now teachers. Ew! Really, who would want to be a teacher.... But the students got used to them and yeah.

We are all on our way to an interview. Yay... Note to sarcasm..

I hopped in the car and started playing on my blue IPhone. What would I do without it?



On the way to an interview!  Yay! Kinda. ~Stay Beautiful Loves!~

Ahh, twitter. I looked through the comments. Hate here, good there, back and forth, yaty yaty yaty. I followed a few fans then locked my phone.

"So, did you study for you vocabulary test tomorrow?" Uncle Harry asked.

Here's the thing. All of them are my teachers. Weird right? Uncle Harry is my Language Arts teacher, Uncle Niall is my Science teacher, Uncle Liam is my Social Studies teacher, Uncle Zayn is my Math teacher, and Dad is my Band teacher.

It's kinda weird having all them as your teacher because you can't always goof around. And you are expected to know everything.  All the students would come up to me and say, 'How did you get an B? He's your uncle!' So! But oh well. .

"No not yet." I mumbled.

"What? It's tomorrow!"

"I know! I'll be fine!"

"Elsa, I don't want to see bad grades from you. Especially if you can ask for help at home." Dad said.

"Dad, I know. I'll study later."

I tuned them out and got out of the car when we were there.

Welp, here we go....


"Hello, I'm Amy and today we will be interviewing One Direction, and Elsa!"

We all ran out on stage and smiled.

"Hello lads, Elsa, how's it going?"

"Pretty good. Feels good to have a break and spend time with our niece." Uncle Zayn said.

"So, who's single?"

Me, Dad, Uncle Harry, Uncle Niall, and Uncle Liam raised their hands. ((A/N I know that they aren't all single, but just go with it! (: ))

"So, Louis, your not with Elsa's mother anymore?"

Hearing that brought tears to my eyes. My mum left us saying she never wanted a kid, and just said yes to make my dad happy. So she left when I was 1. Never saw her since. Just me and my boys.

Uncle Zayn put his arm around my shoulder trying to comfort me.

"No we're not. It's been 11 years, why are you bringing this up?" Dad asked. Clearly he was getting upset.

"Sorry about that."

The interview went on. And off course it was boring. Same questions every time!

When we got to the dressing room Paul was there.

"Paul!" I screamed.

He is the best bodyguard ever! He always puts up his muscles and let's me swing on them! I may be 12, but I am small! About 87 pounds and 4'11. So.....Short!

"Hey shorty!"

I laughed.

Once all the boys were done we were on our way home!  Finally!

I got in the car and sat next to Uncle Zayn and Uncle Liam while dad drove.

I put my head on Uncle Zayns shoulder and fell asleep.


Hello! Soooooo, this is my first NOT adopted fan fiction, but yeah!

Not very good, but next chapter will be better!

Hope you like it so farrr!





Peace out scouts! :D

Louis Tomlinsons daughter. (One Direction)Where stories live. Discover now