Chapter 38

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So it's been a week, and I've been under room arrest. It's so boring!

I had all of my electronics took away. No phone, TV, computer and most of all.... NO TWITTER!

I about died.

They locked my window from the outside, and my door. Don't ask how they did it.... They just did.

They brought my food up here. And I had my bathroom in my room.

This whole week, I was just sitting here, drawing, playing my guitar or piano, or doing extra school work they made me do..

One more day and I can leave this room...

●○Louis' POV○●

We were all sitting in the living room just watching some footie. Then I remembered something.

"Does Nash and Elsa sit together in your guys class?" I asked them.

"Yes." They all said.

"Okay. Will you move them to where they sit on the opposite side of the room?" I asked.

They all nodded.


••2 hours later.... Dinner••

●○Still Louis' POV○●

I walked upstairs, and stood in front of her door.

I took the key out of my pocket and opened her door.

There she was drawing the Big Ben.

"Hey. Your coming downstairs for dinner tonight. Come on." I said. Then left.

I walked downstairs and sat at the table.

Elsa soon followed and sat next to Zayn and Niall.

Half way through dinner, I got everyones attention.

"So, we were thinking, that from now until the end of the year, you will no longer sit by Nash in school." I stated to Elsa.

"What?! That's not fair!" She shouted at me.

"Lower your voice young lady." I scolded her.

"I think that this would be fair if we did this." Liam said.

"But it's not! Your separating me from my childhood best friend!" She exclaimed.

"Elsa, we don't want to do this! But your making us!" Niall said.

"How am I making you?" She asked.

"By sneaking around with a boy. When we said no to boys." Harry answered this time.

"But- You- Ugh!" She screamed placing her head in her folded arms.

"We don't want to do this, but your actions have consequences." I said.

After dinner, which Elsa was silent for the rest of, we all went to our rooms to go to bed.

●○Zayns POV○●

Here I was. Lying in bed. Not tired. But I had a lot on my mind.

Honestly, I think separating Nash and Elsa is not fair.

If they like each other, and are dating, and best friend since they were like 2, then I think they should be able to at least sit by each other.

Hell, if Louis was my father, I would hide this from him too. She's going to start having crushes some time.

And I get that he is mad at her for kissing him, I would be too she's only 12, but he needs to let her experience some things. Just no kissing....

They won't be separated in my class. Sorry Louis.


●○Elsa's POV○●

"Get up!" Someone yelled.

I flung my arm at them, but they caught it.

"Noo!" I groaned.

They took my arm, and pulled me out of my bed. I looked up and saw Uncle Niall.

"Get up princess." He said.

"Uncle Niaaall!" I said.

"Come on." He said.

I got up, took a shower and got ready.

"Here comes an amazing day...." I muttered walking downstairs.

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