Chapter 3

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Night fell over the sky as I drove down the desolate road to my home.

My hands gripping the steering wheel tightly my anxiety level increasing by the minute. I wanted so badly to turn this car around and go back to the dealership. However, I knew I couldn't do that I came here to South Gate, California to escape my old ways and my old life. Fleeing, Machias, Maine was the best option for me after I saw Ben and Emily get murdered. I lived a pretty risky life. Drugs, sex and violence became my life. I curse it every day that I was actually apart of something so cruel.

How are you supposed to live every day knowing you took something so precious? Knowing that you can't bring that someone back? Killing someone that had nothing to do with what you were you suppose to do correctly? Then run away from the situation to live a life full of horrifying flashbacks?

I looked in the rearview mirror and comb out the knots in my curly sandy brown hair. My eyes looking a little tired. As I look in the rearview mirror my eyes caught a spec of light. What is that?

I stop the car, and watched the spec of light glow brighter. It glimmered so brightly that it almost blinded me. I leaned forward and watched with confusion as the tiny spec kept moving, at first I'd to take a double take to see where it was going.

"Is it getting bigger? Or are my eyes seeing wrong?" not tearing my eyes away from the glowing tiny spec. It was another few moments before I frowned in confusion and squinted my eyes at the humming glow of light.

"Now, I have to be seeing things," I said aloud.

"There's no way that tiny spectrum is... Getting larger....?" I trailed off as I continued to watch, my mind finally catching up to what I was seeing.

The tiny spec soon became what appeared to be some kind of pill and it was getting bigger and brighter.

My heart began to race as the pill got bigger and bigger by the second. And then my heart almost stopped when I realized that the pill wasn't getting bigger.

It was getting closer.

And it was heading for me. I'd the urge to drive away but couldn't, my brain told me not to retreat.

By the time the thought registered in my head, it was too late to move. The flaming streak of something clipped a few trees before taking them out altogether and then crashing smack dab in the middle of the road. I held back a small scream as I felt the massive shockwave from the crash sent my car flying back through the air as a thundering BOOM! assaulted my ears.

I blinked away the white spots blurring my vision and sat up seconds later. I'd been flung a little into the tree line. I took in the scene with wide disbelieving eyes. There were small fires visible among the grass and trees were splintered and toppled clear across the clearing, but that wasn't what held my attention.

My eyes were focused on the lump of black...something that rested only thirty feet from me. I opened the driver side door and got on to surprisingly steady feet and approached the item without a second thought of running away. The voice in my mind pushed me forward and said that I needed to do this. I've never needed to do something more than I did at that moment. What did I have to lose?

I felt like if I'd the ability to turn and run away that my heart would rip apart. For once, that ever-present feeling of something missing abated in my heart to the point that I could hardly feel it at all.

Her Beautiful Eyes, His Beating Spark (A Optimus Prime Love Story) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now