Chapter 12

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We walked into seeing several men in suits all over the house, one grabbing the bat from Judy and talking to her, holding up a small LED light to her eyes. "What? What is this?" Judy asked, just as surprised as I was. "How are you doing son? Is your name Sam?" he asked with a false grin.

"Yes?" the man took a step towards us. "Well, I need you to come with us." Ron and Judy stepped forward as well and protested.

I'd like to help them so I stepped up in front of Ron and Judy, cutting them off. I get in the man's face. Not giving a flying hell who he was "Excuse me, you just can't come into someone' home demanding things from them. You have no warranty."

"Madam, I am asking, politely. Back off." he barked. I glare at him. My teeth gritted. "You back off! You just can't come in here and take my younger brother and my parents!" Grabbing his collar I mentally smile as I watched him squirm. "Grab her!" Two of his men grab my upper arms. I fight in their grip but it doesn't weaken.

"You're not taking my son or my daughter," Ron said firmly. "You gonna get rough with us?" Mr. Asshole asked sarcastically. "No, but I am going to call the cops," Ron told him. "Because there's something fishy going on around here."

"There's something a little fishy about you, your son, your daughter if she is, you're little Taco Bell dog, and this whole operation you got going on here." pompous replied.

"What operation?" Ron asked indignantly. "That is what we are going to find out." ass-wipe replied, tucking the light into his pocket. Another guy walked up and started whispering to ass-man. He looked at us in surprise before looking back to the men whispering to him.

He took something from his pocket and walked closer to us. "Son. Step forward, please. Keep a hold of that animal right there."

"Just stand?" Sam asked to stall time when he wouldn't step up, ass-man grabbed him forcing him to stand and hold up the thing. It started beeping and ass-man glanced at Sam in shock before looking back at the thing.

"14 rads. Bingo. Tag 'em and bag 'em" he announced, walking away. The other guys in suits grabbed us and dragged us outside. "You hurt my dog, I'll kick your ass!" I heard Judy shout before being shoved into a black Suburban. I didn't hear anything else outside after that.

We're grabbed by three guys in black suits with brute force may I remind you? The injustice is real.

Now we're sitting in the backseat of a Suburban being interrogated by a pompous asshole. I wince in discomfort at the tightens of the handcuffs. "We're going to okay guys," Sam reassured Mikaela and I.

Mr. Asshole turns around to face the three us well mostly me. "Stop trying to force your handcuffs off because it won't work Missy." I stick out my tongue at him, he growls lowly. He then turns to Sam to interrogate instead. If he asked I wasn't saying crap to the government all they do is make people' lives miserable.

Her Beautiful Eyes, His Beating Spark (A Optimus Prime Love Story) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now