Chapter 21

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Jazz drops me to lower ground then takes off, I watch him drive off, smiling knowing I saved a friend.

"Lily!" I hear a voice yell, irritated. I turn my head seeing an angry Lennox running over to me and he grabs me by the arm roughly and tugging me after him, shaky legs be damned. I barely had time to wave to Jazz before Lennox pulled me into a sprint, heading to where Sam, Mikaela, and Bee were. "I swear to God, Lily!" he growled angrily. "If you do something as stupid as jumping on to two hostile aliens again I will shoot you myself."

I laughed at the absurdity of the threat. "Will, I'm more afraid of being crushed," I explained as he glared murderously at me.

He shoved into the side of the tow truck before turning to Sam. "Where's the Cube?" he demanded.

Sam looked at the captain with wide eyes, pointing to where the All-spark was sitting innocently on top of a toolbox. "It's right there," he answered before turning back to helping Mikaela load Bee securely on to the back of the tow truck. Lennox nodded and ran on for a short distance, looking for something. I had just thought that the two teens had made a lot of progress in moving Bee when two small objects flew at me, screaming.

Q and Pax clung to my shirt and both looked up with watery blue optics, chattering rapidly in hysteric Cyber. I cradled the little beings and pet their back, shushing them. "I'm sorry, but Carrier had to help a friend." I murmured in English, too frazzled to try and make the effort to understand or speak Cyber. "I'm sorry, but I couldn't take you with me. It was dangerous. You two could have been killed." Q and Pax stopped, cocking their helms to the side, seeming to listen to me before they both spat some more Cyber and transformed.

I blinked down at the innocent Nokia and Blackberry sitting in the palm of my hands. Their screens blinked to life on there own and texts filled both screens. "We go with Carrier."

I shook my head immediately and tried to twist my mind around Cyber once again. "No, Q. And no Pax. No coming with Carrier. I don't want you guys to get hurt." I scowled, frustrated that I didn't know the Cyber word for 'dangerous'.

Lennox came running back as Q and Pax flashed their response on the screen. "Alright. I can't leave my guys back there," he started and I glanced over my shoulder to see what he was talking about.

"He's still alive!?" I shrieked, seeing the Decepticon drill down the street, red Energon staining its chassis. I shook my head after a second and turned back to Lennox and Sam as Lennox put his gun down on the truck.

Where's Blue? Rage built inside of me for the third time at thought of Blue being seriously injured because of that thing!

"Sam take this flare," Lennox ordered, holding a red stick for Sam. Sam took it almost without realizing it and frowned down at the object as Lennox pointed down the street. "Okay, there's a tall, white building with statues on top. Go to the roof. Set the flare."

Sam was already shaking his head, realizing what was being asked of him. Lennox turned to me and jabbed a finger at me. "You make sure he gets there, Lily," he commanded and I nodded, holding my little bots close to my chest.

Her Beautiful Eyes, His Beating Spark (A Optimus Prime Love Story) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now