Chapter 18

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"Then we move out. Mission City is 22 miles away. We're gonna sneak the Cube out here and hide it in the city!"

Will shouts and dropped from the small platform he had been standing on. I grimaced at the thought of playing hide-and-seek with Megatron.

Mr. Keller nodded quickly in agreement. "You heard the soldier! Let's move out!"

"But we cannot make a stand without the Air Force," Lennox added in, bearing bad news, knowing that any long-range communications were down.

Keller frowned, thinking furiously before turning to Simmons. "This place has to have some sort of radio link!"

Simmons nodded, eyes glowing as he seemed to think of something. "Yeah. Shortwave. CB."

Keller nodded and I could see the wheels turning in his white-haired head. That'll definitely. Help us."

Lennox adjusted his grip on his gun. "Sir, you gotta figure out a way to get the word out to them." He turned to his men and glanced up at Bee and Blue, and us. "Let's move out!" he ordered and we broke into a run, heading to one of the exits and I let myself grin as the adrenaline begins to pump throughout my body. We had a plan and it was going to work. We would get the Allspark to safety.

Bee placed Sam and Mikaela on the ground while Blue did the same with me, a minute later before transforming down into their alt modes. I was about to scramble in front of Blue when I felt someone grab my arm. I twisted, ready to give an S7 agent a piece of my mind but when it appeared to be Will. I calmed down. He pressed one of the Sabot round guns into my arms. "Keep the Cube safe," he ordered.

"Of course, Will. I'm not that careless." I murmur, trying to make light of the situation, before obeying Sam's frantic shouts and jumping into the front seat of Blue. I blinked when I saw my little bots sitting innocently next to me. The gun Will gave me was resting on the dashboard and I had the Allspark in my lap, held firmly in place by my hands. Will was shouting orders and Bee and Blue were driving forward out into the blinding sunlight.

Destruction and chaos everywhere hearing explosion after explosion.

"Blue we can do this, right?"

"Of course, Lily." He replies through the speakers. "I knew I could always count on you Blue." stroking his dashboard.

"The Cube's okay?" The sound of Sam's panicked voice floods through Blue's speakers. "It's fine, It's with me. How are you guys holding up?" I asked "Were good, Lily. At least Mikaela is." I frowned at Sam's response and gently ran my fingers over the curved figures of Cyber.

"We'll get through this you two," I promised, watching as Blue zoomed by the cars passing by. My Little Bots chattered from my shoulders and I lifted one hand to rub the back of their heads, careful not to damage their weapons or little arms. "How...are you? I.... hope those humans didn't harm you." I asked quietly in broken Cybertronian.

Her Beautiful Eyes, His Beating Spark (A Optimus Prime Love Story) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now