Chapter 17

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The moment is ruined by rumbling noises and screaming.

"We must go now!" One of the S7 soldiers burst into the chamber. "Why?! What's going on?!" Simmons demanded, "Megatron has become online sir!" The S7 soldier panics, "You have to take us to our cars! They'll know what to do with the cube!" Sam shouts at Simmons fisting up his shirt.

Simmons still didn't look up but he did shake his head. "Your cars? There confiscated."

I openly gaped at the man. Was he for real? "Then un-confiscate, them." Sam offered.

Simmons finally lifted his head and glared at Sam, Mikaela, and I. "Absolutely, not! We do not know what will happen if we let you near those things!" he shouted.

"They're not things you pile of dog..." I'm cut off by the room shaking and a distant rumble again. My little bots stiffen and look around wildly, saying something in rapid Cyber moving further up my neck and they start to shiver. I held them close, trying to stop my racing heart at the thought of my little ones hitting the floor.

Mr. Bald braced himself against the wall as we all looked at the ceiling uneasily. "Gentlemen, they know the cube is here," he announced and I barely resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Dramatic much? Then the phone rang and Mr. Bald picked it up. "Banachek," he said, identifying himself. So that was his name. "What's going on?" I couldn't hear what was being said but I saw Banachek pale dangerously.

"What?" he demanded.

Will moved through the crowded room and grabbed Banachek' arm. "Do you have an arms room?" he demanded and Banachek nodded numbly as he hung up before stealing himself again.

"Simmons will take you there, but I have to go do damage control in the NBE1,"

Banachek told us as he exited the newly opened room. I cradled the little bots close and shielded them from view as Banachek went one way and Simmons began leading us another, running down the hall and yelling at us to hurry up. I hold the bots close as I ran for my life "Lily! Give me one!" Sam pants holding out his hands "You sure?" He nodded and I hand him my newest sparkling. He held him with care."We need to find Blue and Bee, guys." I say to him and Mikaela, they both nod and we separate from the group.

I decided to take another hallway with Sam and Mikaela following close behind me. I don't know why but I just felt like this was the way and I was right, the painful sounds of whirls and screams of agony hit my ears. We burst through the doors seeing men in blue bio-suits crowding Bee and Blue freezing them.

"Drop them!" Instantly pulling out my guns. But the men wouldn't listen they continued their torture.

"What have you done?" Sam shouts, seeing the same that I was. Frenzy whimpers, and shiver, but Sam only turned to face forward in a slow manner with his hazel eyes opened wide. Pain, despair, fear, panic, terror; all raced across those eyes.

Her Beautiful Eyes, His Beating Spark (A Optimus Prime Love Story) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now