Chapter 4

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My eyes open and I sat upright slowly, rubbing my tired eyes. Was it all a dream? My mind recompiling with last night.

I yawn turning over in my lonely bed and sighed, my room in total darkness, matching my tired soul, another repeat of living a life of silence.

After a minute or two of just sitting there on the bed, I sighed and swung my legs over the side to stand up. Opening the blinds to let in some sun shine, it was a beautiful day, but not for me. It was more of trying to figure out if last night happened. I turn away from the window scooping up the clothes. I'd set out last night and head to my bathroom.

After my brief shower and breakfast, I go outside, although stop once I saw a giant robot stand on my front lawn. I look up to see him gazing at me with those beautiful ocean blue orbs.

The robot looked familiar with its, silver grey mechanical body and it looked skinny.

"I was beginning to think last night never happened," I mumble. He looks down at me confused.

Did he pick up that gesture from me?

"Your gestures...." But he doesn't finish his sentence, he lifts his large head and looks at the truck coming up ahead.

Why is he looking at the truck?

I stood up confused as I heard the soft sound of an electrical hum and then the sound of machinery moving and snapping into place. I see in time some metal come seamlessly together and see a small thumb-sized square face looking thing slide up the grill to rest where the hood ornament would be. I gasped. The weird, futuristic looking, thirty-two foot tall skinny looking mechanical robot was gone. In its place was an 18-wheeler I just saw drive down the road. I whipped my head to the side to see that truck still driving down the road. I looked back to the red and blue truck in front of me.

The engine came alive with a deep rumble and Optimus' voice floated from the truck.

"Would this be a sufficient disguise?" I nodded, dumbstruck.

The headlights turned on and the robot honks the horn. I wasn't sure if I was imagining it, but I thought I caught a hint of amusement in his honk. I scowled at him and I got a quiet chuckle in response that corresponded with the deeper rumble of the engine.

"Amazing," I proclaimed as Optimus transformed.

He knelt down in front of me and moves his face close to mine. I gulped nervously. My cheeks burning.

"I am Optimus Prime. And I am in your debt." His deep baritone voice sends shivers down my spine. I smile a bit and nodded.

"What are you doing here on earth Optimus?"

He looked uneasy when he responded after a hesitant pause.

"I cannot access my memory archives. However, I believe I am here to find something or someone."

"Your memory archives?" Optimus' eye ridges furrowed then wordlessly pointed to his head, where there was a deep dent about the size of a rock. I frowned in thought as my heart broke for him.

Her Beautiful Eyes, His Beating Spark (A Optimus Prime Love Story) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now