Chapter 7

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The pain in my neck and the drop of water landing on my nose wakes me up from my hellish nightmare. I try to ignore them both trying to doze off again. However, my body seemed to protest against it, I flinch reluctantly agreeing. Clambering out of bed and walk out the bedroom taking the creaking stairs two at a time.

I open the front door standing on the wet porch. The heavy rain pounding on the leaky roof. The thought of the heavy rainfall bringing me back to the night of my escape. I clutch my robe tightly around my scarred body. The memory flooding back but I shake my head swiftly to get rid of the tortured and unjustified.

Optimus' headlights are the only source of light. His truck looked like a better place to sleep tonight.

"Maybe he's asleep?" I say aloud.

The soft sound of Optimus' engine humming persuades me. I tipped-toe across the wet lawn, the earth squishy underneath my slippers.

"Optimus?" I whisper tapping on his hood.

"Optimus?" I said a bit louder.

I should have turned around and head back inside but I'm stopped by his door popping open. I don't hesitate and scoot inside laying down on the black leather interior seats.

"Are you in pain?" He asked me.

"I'm fine. I took some pain meds before I went to bed." My voice is raspy.

"Is your roof leaking again?"

"That's not safe Lily, you need a much safer dwelling." he imploded.

"Well maybe you can help me fix up my house," the seat moves, warming up underneath. He turns on the heater and the heat sinks into my flesh. It felt good.

"Thank you, Optimus," My eyes drooped.

"You're welcome, Lily."

I fall asleep dreaming of a man with inky black hair and bright electric blue eyes.

I switched off the shower and got ready for the afternoon. When I stepped out I found Optimus kneeling next to my house, scanning the roof down to the foundation, he probably wanted to see how much damage there was, obviously being the concern the mech that he was, and I appreciated it.

The blue hum of light flashes by to quickly for me to make sense of what he was doing exactly.

"You'll be alright here by yourself today Mr. Architect?"

"Yes," he answered as he continues his examination. It was an interesting sight.

I doubt I'd ever grow accustomed to it. But I was hoping to get to know Optimus better. Perhaps he'll let me work on the dent on the side of his head. I went shopping for tools to repair my house, which Optimus volunteered to assist me with. After ringing everything up, I looked down at my watch. I didn't realize it was 10 minutes to eight o'clock. I had no idea I had spent so much time shopping.

Her Beautiful Eyes, His Beating Spark (A Optimus Prime Love Story) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now