Chapter 22

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"Sam!!!" I scream out in terror.

I peak over the ledge, the tears brimming. I'd just hoped Optimus would keep him safe for me. The tears stop instantly as I see Sam land in Optimus catches him. "You're a foolish human!" Megatron hissed, as his servo transforms into a flail. He pulled it out of his wrist ready to kill me but I didn't fear the grey mech, not in the slightest. However, I did flinch as he readies his weapon but a deep voice puts my heart at ease. "Megatron! You Decepticon scum!" I see Blue leap on his back, his servos a choke hold around the mech' neck "I will kill you!" Megatron growls, Blue stabs Megatron through the shoulder blade and takes Megatron with him, they both fall from the building to the destruction down below.

Soon enough, I found myself falling not aware of the wind blowing through my hair, the sky above me a beautiful shade of blue. I welcomed death for the fifth time today, all I could feel is the wind blowing my face, neck, and chilling my scarred flesh. I held my jacket pockets shut not wanting Q nor Pax to fall out.

Shutting my eyes as I wait for the impact but when the pain doesn't come to my eyes open, my vision blurry, ocean blue optics gaze at me with fear and pain "Optimus?" I mouth, touching his metal cheeks with my dirty hands, "Lily! Lily!?" I hear a deep familiar voice shouting my name frantically, I turn my head to see Sam leaning over me. "Can you hear me!? Lily! Answer me!" He cries and slaps my cheek, and surely I'm back to the universe, tackling Sam with a big hug.

"Sam! Are you alright!" He hugs me back wrapping his arms around my waist tightly. "Lily, Sam, you risk your lives to protect the cube." A deep baritone voice murmurs interrupting Sam and I, a thread of light fills my body "We'd to Optimus," Sam says to him "Hold on you two," Optimus grunts before letting go of his precarious grip on the two buildings he had been shimmying up. I threw an arm over Sam as Optimus' servo tightened over us as he began to jump back and forth between the two buildings, slowing his descent. It was working until a certain grey mech crashed into him, throwing us into a free fall. It was hard after we finally impacted the ground to open my eyes and look around. I just wanted to curl up somewhere and let this all be over. My heart had done enough racing and I think I was actually running out of adrenaline.

"Keep the cube safe," Optimus murmured as he lifted his servo. We began to get up, looking up as his battle mask slid to the sides. "I admire your bravery, the both of you. "

I could feel the number of jolt feelings coming through and couldn't really put a name to them. Maybe we? Shock? I couldn't tell right now. Sam readjusted his grip on the All-spark. "No sacrifice, no victory," he murmured, glancing at myself and Optimus.

I nodded in agreement as I forced my shaky arms to push myself up. "We can't let Megatron get the All-spark." Optimus nodded and a finger came up, gently petting my back.

"If I cannot defeat Megatron," he began, glancing at the two of us. "You must push the Cube into my chest." I felt a chill dig itself painfully into my chest as I got an inkling of what he meant. "I will sacrifice myself to destroy it."

Her Beautiful Eyes, His Beating Spark (A Optimus Prime Love Story) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now