Chapter 16

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"I'm Sam Witwicky, the kid with an alien car. And this is my sister Lily girl with the alien second car and Mikaela Banes." Sam said, introducing us. Will and Robert smile.

Men in blue bio-suits crowd every inch of the huge lab, working on something big, that the government isn't telling us. "I need you guys to come with me." Simmons orders escrow. "And reattach handcuffs on that one." He points referring to me, one of Simmons men handcuff me again I glare at him as he does it and he squirms in his boots, good I smile.

"Why am I the only one with handcuffs?" I question Will as we went through the doors and got inside of the elevator, riding it down. "Don't say I did it, Lily," Will unlocked my handcuffs and I thank him with a smile.

We were at the base of the dam when Simmons cursed and mutters. I kept a straight face. We began to walk across the bottom of the dam, heading towards an opening little ways in front of us and Simmons seemed to slip into his element as he led the group, damn that man to hell, and began to debrief us.

"Alright. Here's the situation. You've all had direct contact with the NBEs," he began.

"NBE?" Epps called as we all sped walked after him.

"Non-biological extraterrestrial," Simmons answered, "Keep up with the acronyms soldier." He added.

Epps glared at him from behind. I smile hatching up a plan to get under Simmons' skin. "It's okay, Epps. don't let Mr. Ass-wipe upset you." I muttered softly, "I heard that criminal!" Simmons snarled but he doesn't act, he just keeps walking leading the group to god only knows where.

"How can I let this young woman affect me?!" I hear Simmons growl under his breath.

I didn't flinch and only smiled. "I don't know you tell me, Simmons. I'm only 136 pounds so how can I possibly affect you?" He spun around and stalks towards me getting in my face. "Simmons! No need for violence!" Mr. Keller shouts.

"Now, Mr. Tour Guide, where to next?"

Simmons growled lowly before turning and continuing. "What you're about to see is classified," he called as we went through the door.

I instantly wished for my jacket as a wave of cold hit me. Instantly I forgot about the cold when I saw what was in front of me.

Megatron! The archenemy of Optimus Prime.

There was no one else it could be. He stood there, stiff, with a permanent snarl on his face, covered in blue ice and scaffolding surrounded him. Scientists in white bio-suits scaled the scaffolding and did various things as we entered. The balding guy I had seen earlier talking to Sam and Mikaela just joined Simmons.

Her Beautiful Eyes, His Beating Spark (A Optimus Prime Love Story) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now