Chapter 8

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I open my eyes because of the heat and the surface of something soft but sweet. I struggle to sit up, hissing from the intense pain in my leg and arm. My surprise grew as a man's rich voice spoke.

"You shouldn't try to sit up; you'll only aggravate your wounds," the man warned.

My initial thought was to reach for my knives, but they were nowhere to be seen. I scowl at myself for being irresponsible and look up at the man, who appeared to be in his late twenties to early thirties. He was dressed normally and had dazzling electric blue eyes. The man leaned forward and touched my leg with his non-steering-wheel hand, and as soon as he made contact with my skin, an electric shock ran through me, and I'm sure he felt it too because we shared the same look. I tediously examined him.
He had inky black hair that was disheveled, a thick beard, and very broad shoulders.

He was stunning, to say the least.

A/N: Optimus Prime in human form

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A/N: Optimus Prime in human form.

My heartbeat quickens. We stared at one other for what felt like an eternity when we made eye contact. Those pupils. They simply shined. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to catch my breath. Please relax! I felt electricity rush through my body as he glanced back at me. My cheeks flushed. He looked to smile and clear his throat, which brought me back to reality. I felt like a complete moron. The man appeared to find the situation amusing and turned to face the dark road ahead. I was compelled to knock that smirk off his handsome face.

Did I just think that he was handsome?!

He was dressed in navy blue denim jeans that seemed to hug his physique and a red and blue button up shirt that clung to his strong arms. He donned a black jacket over his button-up.

... I began to have really distracting thoughts about him.

When those almost inhumanly bright eyes turned towards me, I jumped a little.

"Lily?" the man asked, his voice rich and resonant like Optimus'.

Why does he sound so much like Optimus?

I adjusted my weight for a second to realize I was staring at the man before softly asking,


The man's lips quirked up in a smile, his eyes glittering like Optimus' when he smiled.

"Of course," he replied.

I nodded dumbly before jerking back to reality and bracing myself against the passenger door, scanning the interior quickly. I've been in too many situations.

"How did you find out where I was?" I confront the man. Not yet, believing it was Optimus Prime.

The anguish was taking control as it intensified, but I didn't show it. By clearing my throat, I seal the agony. With a weak smile, I ignored my predicament. The man observed the frown and began mumbling something about a fellow named Ratchet. I couldn't communicate at this moment. My head throbbed. Something is tearing, and I can hear it.

Her Beautiful Eyes, His Beating Spark (A Optimus Prime Love Story) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now