Chapter 5

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*11 P.M.*

I snuck out of bed and found myself on the fainted front porch with the creaky stairs. The pitch blackness is all I could see not that I minded. The darkness surrounding me helped me escape my troubled past and all of the dark things that's followed me. The deep scar that was below my right eye attested to that. I've chosen to not be around humans. They're cruel and most of all they're the ones who hurt you the most. I've schooled my face into an emotionless state over the years and it's until now where I can't seem to control them anymore.

Is there a reason why? Why do I feel like I'm not alone anymore? Why does my heart beat so? Why do my cheeks flush the color of crimson? What is going on with me?

The moon casted a beautiful glow.

Whenever I was feeling emotionally unstable, I would lie inside my car, and the sound of Blue's engine would always put me asleep.

I got about halfway before I ran into something. Hard. The sudden start of a loud engine drowned out my curses as I stumbled back, forgetting that Optimus was now living with me. Stumbling back further and blinking in surprise, I watched as bright headlights came on and Optimus transformed immediately. He came out of his 2-3 second transformation in a battle-ready stance, orbs narrowed in a deadly glare, mouth and nose covered in a metal mask, and two very long and dangerous looking orange/gold flaming swords that came out of the top of his forearms, and I watched in shock.

I froze in shock as Optimus's ocean blue orbs darted everywhere. He frowned in confusion before his gaze landed on me and widened in surprise at the source, which was me. 

"Forgive me, Lily," he said.

"I did not mean to frighten you," The metal mask and swords quickly retracted with quiet snaps as he knelt down in front of me, turning off his headlights, or I guess chest lights, awesome.

"Lily, why aren't you recharging?" He calls my name softly.

Recharging? Oh, he means sleep.

"I have a lot on my mind from the past two days. And the only way for me to deal is by laying in my car." I murmur.

"My home-world had many moons, but nothing as beautiful as the earth's moon." He blurted out.

"I'm sure the moon's from your world were better," I responded.

"Why am I here? What's my purpose? Why does my spark yearn in the femme's presence?" He responds in his native language so I'd no idea what he said.

Optimus looks down at me, his orbs a soft warm glow of ocean blue. An unknown feeling expends around my heart, pulling at tattered strings.

Looking up at the alien I was now harboring, why do I feel this way? How can something that isn't human affect me?

The next morning, I quickly showered, and put on fresh clothes, after stumbling a few steps of course.

"I need to go to Lakeside. I want to buy materials for my house," I said.

"Do you want to come?" I shrugged on my jacket and turned to see Optimus just finishing his transformation into his alt- form. I smiled as the door wordlessly opened.

Her Beautiful Eyes, His Beating Spark (A Optimus Prime Love Story) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now