Chapter 6

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I step out of the hardware store carrying eight plastic bags of tools, nails, and paint for the house. I opened the passenger door putting the bags inside and walked around to the driver's side, and got in. I turned on the car and then took off.

I finally turned on the quiet road that would lead to my home. It was a small 2-lane road that was lined with trees, and houses. Quiet. Just how I wanted it. I still had about 20 minutes until I pulled in. The sun was starting to set in the west, as it was still early spring.

I glanced in my rearview mirror. And I thought I saw blue and red lights flashing in the distance. I looked at the road again and looked behind me. Yep! Those were emergency lights. Boy, he was going fast, because I knew they were pretty far a moment ago. The police car sideswiped my Blue. And hits the car driving beside me on the road.

"What the hell!?" I yelled.

I stop and pulled Blue onto the side of the road just as the cop past. The officer nearly took off my mirror.

"What an asshole!" I shouted.

This guy was going to be in deep shit with his department. Good, I hope he gets fired.

I saw a man get out of his car. Then I saw lights again, and the cop car drives forward knocking the man down. I was about to open my door when the Saleem Mustang starts to transform.

The metal creature looked much sharper and angular than Optimus. His armor didn't curve over his shoulders but stood up straight in intimidating looking spikes and his hands-servos-were claws where Optimus' were actual fingers. In fact, all over his armor seemed to taper off into spike at one point or another and his faceplates looked downright menacing, it glares at the man.

What's going on? I thought in shock.

What I didn't realize is that the creature had flicked the man, and turned around. I ducked down in the seats and realized the creature probably saw me. More cars come surrounding the area screaming and talking fast on their cell phones. People banging on my window and screaming. "What is that thing?!"

However, I just sat there and watched it all unfold with wide eyes. The metallic creature snarls and shoots killing countless people. I held my ears at the screams of terror. It was a sickening sound. I could hear the screams of mother and children running from death. When the shooting stops I rise my head looking around and see nothing.

"What happened?" I whisper. I look in the rearview mirror and spot the Saleem Mustang parked right behind me waiting to strike at any moment.

"To punish and enslave!" A gravelly voice comes from Saleem mustang sounding like it'd swallowed a bowl of razor blades.

The cop car drives stopping in front of me and starts to transform again gears shifting and metal scraping against metal.

"Oh God," I whispered.

I could only watch as the alien stalks towards me. The noise was unbelievable. The metallic creature was silver with weird black markings. I inwardly cringed at the glowing red eyes. It looked pure evil. I could not see his face yet. I could point out wheels on the side of his leg, and gashes covered his body. I could see a helmet like a thing on his head, but that was it.

"Where are you human?! I can smell you!" The evil robot demanded furiously. It's vicious sharp metal teeth-dental-flash as it searched for me. He ripped the hood of my car clean off with the sun blinding me; so seeing its face wasn't possible, his metal claw and wheels making a loud alarming squealing sound.

Her Beautiful Eyes, His Beating Spark (A Optimus Prime Love Story) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now