Chapter 11

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"Lead the way Bumblebee. Autobots roll out." Optimus gives the order and everyone transforms into their alt-mode. Sam and Mikaela ride with Bee of course. Blue pops his car open and I walk towards him but Optimus seemed to have other plans "I want you to ride with me, Lily." He murmurs quietly.

"Prime, what is it with you and this femme?" Ratchet questions Optimus, who shifts his optics trying to process an answer from his processor.

Optimus ignores him and transforms into his alt-mode popping his door open for me. Blue makes a noise of sadness as I hop in Optimus' cab and we're off to Sam' house to hopefully find the glasses that'll stop our impending doom.

"I had thought you wouldn't need me anymore after you got your memories back," I mumble
"I do need you." my heart bolts awake beating rapidly. I wondered if OP could hear it?

"Why is your heart pumping so fast?" He asked his deep voice floating through the speakers. "I'm happy to have been of service." There are a pregnant pause and Optimus makes a sharp turn taking another street away Sam, Mikaela, and the others. "You, have been of good service," He tightens the seat belt around me to emphasis on a hug.

The seat beneath me warms up.

"Thank you for making me feel like I'm worth something."

Optimus makes a U-turn going back in the direction of Sam's house. We made it just in the nick of time Optimus lets me out and transforms into his bipedal mode.

"Where were you two?!" Ratchet demanded. Optimus steps forth between I and the angry Ratchet "It's my own doing," Ratchet soon calms down and lowers his servos at his side.

"I need you to stay here, alright? I need you to stay here and watch them!" Sam tells Mikaela and I, we both nod. "Alright!" we say in unison.

"You hear what I'm saying. Five minutes," Sam left to find the glasses. Not ones to wait, apart from Optimus and Ratchet the other Autobots transformed and walked over to Sam' house. "No! Stop, they'll see you! You bolt for brains!" I cried, but it was useless. I rushed to follow, trying to convince them to stop. I heard Sam screaming and then a crunching sound, followed by Optimus saying, "Oops, my bad," I giggled. It was weird hearing him saying such a childish phrase.

When Mikaela and I finally caught up, Sam came over to us. "I told you to watch them. I told you!" I gasped for breath. "What do you expect us to do against giant alien robots that are over 100 times our size and can kill us without a thought?" Mikaela hissed. "She has a point, Samuel."

Her Beautiful Eyes, His Beating Spark (A Optimus Prime Love Story) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now