Chapter 4- A dream within a dream

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Picture of Cameron^^

I jump out of the shower and get ready for school. I decide on a white halter top shirt and blue jeans and pink wedges for my outfit. For hair and makeup, I decide to leave my hair damp and natural makeup. I skip first period and sit in study hall since I don't feel like going to vocational class. I hate getting off a bus only to go to my locker and get back onto another. The bell rings after an hour of boredom and I go to get my journal from my locker. As I shut the door, I hear someone coming out of the bathroom talking about Cameron and Yasmine's breakup. Wait! When did this happen and why? How is it that I could had missed it? Yasmine seems to be okay, since she's sucking face with Evan. Cameron smiles at me before walking into the classroom, but not before looking at the new couple and rolling his eyes. I shake my head and go to my seat. The teacher passes back out poems with our grades. I got an A+ of course and when I look over to see what Cameron made, he covers his paper. I ask him, "Why can't I see what you got?" He blushes light pink and tells me, "You can read it tomorrow at my party. You're still coming right?" He also mumbles, "please say yes" I giggle and say, "Nah Cameron, I'm going to throw my own party." I laugh when he looks at me shocked. I smile and continue to say, "Yes, I'll be there after all, you only live a couple houses away unless you were stalking me that day you hit me with the football. He smiles and tells me, "You're absolutely right Bre." I blush at him calling me by my nickname. Tucker speaks Up, "Awwwwe Aubrey is blushing. How cute." I blush even more and hide my face, as Cameron tells him to shut up and leave me be. The teacher announces to pick a partner to recite a poem to and write a few sentences about how it made you feel or think while hearing it. Everyone stands up and just as David is about to ask me, I believe, Cameron shakes his head no and says, "Sorry man but Aubrey is already taken, so you'll have to find someone else to work with." David bites his lip and asks me if it's true. I nod and apologize to him. He walks off without a single word spoken back to me. Well that's just perfect. He probably thinks I hate him or something, which I don't! Cameron then says, "Yeah, sorry about that but I wanted to work with you and I'll be reciting A Dream Within A Dream By Edgar Allan Poe. I nod and he begins.

"Take thus kiss upon the brow!
And in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow--
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream."

I stare up into his eyes, finding myself lost within them as he finishes the rest. He smiles down at me and says, "You recite yours now or you can keep staring at my face, either is fine by me." I bite my lip and hit his shoulder. "Shut up! I'll read the poem. You just be ready to write your paragraph when I'm done." I tell him. "My poem is titled I Carry Your Heart With Me by E.E Cummings."

I Carry your heart with me(I carry it in my heart) am never without it(anywhere I go, my dear; and whatever is done by only me in your doing, my Darling)
I fear no fate(for you are my fate, my sweet)
I want no world(for beautiful you are my world, my true) and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing is you."

The teacher interrupts me by saying, "Times up class, write based on what you've heard already." I sit down to hear Cameron mumble it was all true, as he begins to write his paragraph. I write down:

A dream within a dream seemed to be an illusion on what we feel is or what should be reality. I felt as if Cameron chose that poem as if he was trying to tell me something he couldn't himself. Maybe the fact I kind of think he likes me and I'm not wrong and talking to me is like a dream. Maybe the fact he wishes there was more between us or that he thinks there is something. Maybe I'm right or maybe it's all just a dream within a dream.

I get up at the same time as Cameron and David do and turn my paper in. He tells me to come over to his house before the party starts, if I can. I tell him, "Okay, I'll see what I can do. Maybe I can get your opinion on my outfit." He bites his lip and nods.

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