Chapter 11- Tattoo Love

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Aubrey's and Ruby's Dad^^

*A month later, My birthday*

I blink my eyes open then smile, as I pull the covers off. Today is my 18th birthday! I'm officially a legal adult! Well I can't buy beer yet but I don't need that to be happy! I have an amazing boyfriend and family. I'm glad I asked Cameron out to the movies when I did. He wouldn't had made a move and we wouldn't be together today. Since that one night we've been on 4 other dates. We've been to the fair, sky diving, snorkeling and to the zoo. I take a quick shower and towel dry my hair. As for an outfit, I decide on a white halter top shirt and green short shorts. While putting my shoes on, Cameron calls me. I answer on what would be the second ring.

Cam😍💙: "Good morning gorgeous! Happy birthday my love. I'll see you when you're done getting ready.
Me: "Babyy! Are you downstairs already? And thank youuu!"
Cam😍💙: "Yes I am. I was just talking to Adam."
Me: "Well come up and see me!"
Cam😍💙: "You don't have to tell me twice."

I giggle at what he said and apply my mascara and clear lip gloss, after hanging up. He walks into my room picking me up and spinning me around. I place my hands on both sides of his face and he smiles when I kiss him. He kisses me back with so much passion. Sitting me down on the bed, he tells me he's taking me out for breakfast. Ruby hugs me as we walk downstairs. "Happy big one little sister." She tells me. Amelia hugs my leg and I pick her up. She giggles and tells me, "Happy Bird day AuBee!" I smile. "Thanks baby girl." I say as I kiss her forehead. Adam takes her from me, telling me the same as Ruby. He then looks at Cameron and shakes his head. I stare at them in confusion, when I notice babe starting to blush. Adam tells me, "Dont worry about it Aubrey. You'll understand later on. For now just enjoy your day!" I nod and walk out with Cameron to Waffle House. We order our usual but instead of Orange juice, I get a French vanilla iced coffee. Ruby texts me as we head to the mall.

Sister💜: I will be headed to Your house in a couple of hours.
Me: Okay sis :)
Sister💜: Adam was picking on Cameron about what he has planned for tonight at your party. Adam thinks it's to cheesy, but I think it's incredibly sweet. You're going to love it. You have a great guy Bre. Hold on to him <3
Me: Awwwwe! I want to know what now but thanks Ruby. That means a lot!
Sister💜: Anytime sis! I love you!
Me: I love you too!

Cam and I look around for awhile and get our pictures taken in a booth, in the middle of the mall. We then go to Build-A-Bear where he makes me a panda with a voice recording that says, "Like a panda loves bamboo, Baby I love you." I blush and kids his cheek. While I'm looking for it an outfit, he builds a stuffed monkey and asks me if I have Ruby's voice recorded anywhere by chance. I nod playing the Spanish lullaby our mother used to sing to us as little girls. She was mixed with Hispanic, Caucasian and Italian. Anyways I recorded Ruby singing it to Amelia one night. I did because, I'm my sister's biggest fan. He gives me a thumbs up and laugh. He tells me, "I made Amelia one too. So that she'll always have a cuddle buddy and so she doesn't feel left out today." I smile and than I him. "Baby you're the best! She's going to love it, but she won't feel left out. She's going to be at our grandmother's for the night." He then pouts and asks me, "So that means I won't be able to give it to her til tomorrow?" I shake my head then say, "No baby." I look at my phone for a minute and continue. "If we leave now, you can give it to her before she leaves." He smiles and tells me, "Okay beautiful. Let's go then!" I tell him, "You're so cute with her, you know. I love watching you with her. You'll make a good dad someday." He blushes and grabs my hand. "Thank you babe, but you'll make an amazing mother someday as well. You're fantastic with her. You treat her as if she is your daughter more than anything. I remember the first time I saw you tuck her in and sung her to sleep. I fell even more in love with you. You and Ruby have amazing voices." I blush and thank him as we pull up at the house. Amelia comes running to us as we walk through the door. He picks her up and tells her, "Amelia your aunt and I have a surprise for you." She says, "Gimme gimme! Pweaseee!" He hands her to me then takes the monkey out of the box handing it to her. She shouts, "MONKEY! THANK YOU! I LOBE YOUS!" He smiles and says back, "You're very welcome and we love you too!" Ruby tears up and says, "Thank you so much. I've got to take her to grandma's now but you remember how to get to her house right?" She asks Cameron. He nods and she continues to say, "Great! We'll see y'all in a couple of hours. I'm taking Adam with me to set everything up, While I bake her cake and cupcakes." After they leave, I grab his hand and go upstairs. He puts in Saw and goes back downstairs to pop popcorn and get us some drinks. He comes back in a few minutes later, to find me curled up under the covers. He smiles and says, "Its okay baby, I'm back." He crawls under the covers after taking his shoes off, cuddling me. I end up falling asleep on his chest halfway through the movie. I wake up about an hour later to find him staring down at me. I smile and He asks, "What do you want to do before we head over to your new place?" I bite my lip looking into his eyes and say, "About that, would you like to move in with me? I'm not sure I want to be by myself yet. Also how long do we have left before the party starts?" He looks at his phone and tells me, "We have about 2 hours and 45 minutes or so. I would love to move in with you babe." I smile and kiss him then say, "Good to hear that but I want to get a tattoo. Something that isn't to much but has meaning to me. Would you get one with me please?" He nods. "It's your day, so whatever you want it shall be so." We leave and get there in twenty minutes. His will take longer, so I tell him to go first and I wait for the other artist to finish with their client. They were getting a womd with a stop watch and flowers on their back shoulder. Half an hour later and it's my turn. I tell the girl I want a fancy C on the back of my neck that kind of looks like a moon. I look over at a smiling Cameron. I ask, "What are you smiling so big about?" He tells me, "You'll just have to wait and see when it's finished my love." 50 minutes later and we're both done and about to leave. He shows me his arm and I start to cry. He got my name done with a rose. My favorite flower and it's big! I turn around so he can see mine and he asks, "C stands for what babe?" I bite my lip. "My parents names both started with a C and so does Cameron." He blushes and turns me around to face him, then kisses me. I smile into the kiss and tell him, "Their names were Charisma and Chandler. They were the sweetest people you could meet. My mom was prom queen back in her day and you could guess my dad was her King. They were high school sweethearts. No. They were soul mates that were killed in a bank robbery. You know the deaths where you're in the right place at the wrong time? That was them and I miss them so much Cam. I went into deep depression and we'll I'm proud to say that I've came a long way. I think they would be proud of me too." He hugs me and says to me, "I'm sure they are and smiling down at you. Let's go get ready for the party." He takes me to get my nails and toes done before driving back to his house to get ready. I pull my dress on and the heels he picked out, black pumps to be exact. I then pull my hair down from a messy bun into a high ponytail. I apply natural makeup and wait for babe to finish. He comes out 5 minutes later, wearing a black v-neck and white jeans with black shoes. He takes his phone out and says, "Let's take a few selfies and pictures of our tattoos." He posts them on his Instagram and I can't help but to blush. He captioned them: Me and my one and only. The birthday girl and reason I wake up, Aubrey <3
We then leave and he holds my hand as he drives. Cars are parked everywhere and I bite my lip as we pull up to a nice 2 story house. "This is it beautiful. This is our new home and beginning"

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