Chapter 16- I have faith in you

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Amelia's room^^

I fall to the floor with my eyes shut and cry my heart out. I've lost my parents, and sanity only to be okay again and end up losing my sister, brother and horse. Ruby had wanted to do a double wedding with me. We even decided the colors would be blue, black and purple. That can't happen now! God! Why did you have to take her from me?! Amelia! My sweet Amelia has to grow up without her mom; at such a young age. I can't imagine how she'll feel as she grows up. Cameron and I leave the hospital and head over to my grandmother's. She opens the door and looks as if she's been crying. "Grams are you alright?" She smiles slightly and says, "Yes darling. I just burnt my hand is all. Amelia should be waking up soon. Please join me in the kitchen for coffee and donuts." We do as she pleases but I realize she has no clue about what has happened. Just as she sits down, I tell her we need to talk and she gestures for me to go on. "Grams did you not get a call early this morning?" I begin. She shakes her head. "No sweetheart, I can't say that I did. Was I supposed to?" I nod then tell her, "About 4 something I got a call telling me that Ruby was killed in a car accident." She puts her hand over her heart and the other over her mouth. "No! No! No! No! No! She can't be! I'm to old to raise Amelia! What about Adam?" She asks us. Cameron shakes his head and says, "He passed at the hospital. Aubrey is still shaken up about it all." Grams nods and says, "Excuse me, I'll be right back." She goes and comes back a few minutes later with a letter. She hands it to me and as I open it, the smell of roses hit my nose and I automatically tear up. Roses were one of Ruby's favorite flowers hinse Amelia's name. Noticing my shaky hands, Cameron grabs the letter and reads:

"Aubrey, if you're reading this, that means I'm no longer around. I'm sorry I had to leave so soon. I love you! Please don't cry. You're to beautiful! I'm not far away, for I am in your heart. You'll keep me alive there. For whatever reason, I was taken away, know I'm looking down on you. Adam and I had a talk and we want you to take Amelia in as your own. Grams is to old to do so and we know you'd be the perfect mother to our little girl. If by some reason neither of us made it, I want you to raise her. You are her mother now and Cameron is her dad. I've seen the way you two have cared for her and that's why you'll be perfect parents for her. Thank you so much for all you've done and do. I appreciate you two. Trust I know it's a big responsibility but I also know y'all are fit for the job. Who knows, maybe someday you could tell her about us and let her know how much we loved her. Love always Ruby"

I break into a full cry, pulling at my hair. Cameron manages to get my hands loose and pulls me into his arms. "Shhh babe. It's going to be alright. I'm here for you and so is grams. You're not in this alone." I nod slowly as my grandmother walks over to me and hugs me close. "You can do it Aubrey. I have faith in you and apparently Ruby did as well. I'll still help you and Cameron is here too." "Thank you. Thank you so much." I whisper. "No problem sugar. I'm only a phone call away." She tells me. Amelia wakes up the next hour and we leave to gather her things at my sister's old place. Cameron suggests selling the house but I can't, Not yet anyways. He puts on Paw Patrol so we can get everything settled. Amelia's getting one of the first rooms as her own. A twin size bed will be good for her, for many years to come. We decorate her room in My Little Pony as it's her absolute favorite. Some stickers decals, posters and a night light later, we're done. I had Cameron to paint her toy chest rainbow colors since Rainbow Dash is her favorite. He pecks my lips and whispers, "It's only the beginning." Before I can question him, I get a call from Tucker. "Hello?" "Hey Bre. Is Cameron by chance around? He hasn't answered my texts all morning and I need his opinion on something." "Yeah we were a bit busy all morning. Sorry about that Tuck." I say. "No problem sis. Just tell him to get at me soon." He tells me and hangs up. Well bye to you too. Cameron looks at me confused. I ask him what's wrong and he asks, "When did he get your number?" I shrug. "I'm not sure. Your sister might had given it up." He laughs and I slap his arm. "Not that!" He smirks and picks me up carrying me to our room. "No but you have." I bite my lip and shake my head. "Not now Romeo. Baby girl is downstairs watching tv." He gives me the puppy dog eyes and sticks out his bottom lip. "Not even a quickie?" I give in and lay back on the bed. He shuts the door and climbs on top of me. After we finish, we take a quick shower and go to join Amelia. However she had other plans. She climbs into my lap and snuggles me, letting out a long yawn. Looks like someone needs their first nap. Cameron turns the channel to Ink Master as I rock baby girl to sleep. A tear escapes my eye but I wipe it away before she'd notice. I've always done this; every since she's been born. My sister was more of the song her to sleep type but I can't. I couldn't if I tried, not anymore. She should had been famous for her voice. Tomorrow will be the hardest day of my life, as I say goodbye. You see losing my parents was enough to drive me into depression but losing Ruby? That's a whole different kind of hurt. The kind I have to hold and hide. I have to be strong for Amelia; I have to. I need too. Can I be the mother to her that Ruby was and could have been? Do I have it in me to raise her as my own? I sigh and look down to find her fast asleep. Cameron smiles over at me. "I know you're worried but look at you, you've been here for her, her whole existence. You love her unconditionally. You have been more of a second mom to her than an aunt. You will be a great mother. I have faith in you, in us." I nod as I go to lay her down in the nursery. I'm not ready for her to see her new room yet.

Author's note: Thank you for reading and voting. Your comments are appreciated. Let me ask you though. Who's your favorite character so far? What is it you like about them?

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