Chapter 20- I've loved you from a distance

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The car ride back to the house was quiet. Kaitlyn hadn't tried to explain her actions at all. I turned the radio on and Aaliyah-One in a million, starts to play. I turn it up, being one of my old favorites. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Kaitlyn looking at me smiling as I sing. She starts singing as well and I can't tell if she's singing to sing or to me. I'm still wondering why she kissed me! She has Tucker and I have Cameron, her brother! It wasn't even a small peck. It was a full on kiss. I just stood there in shock. I couldn't kiss her back. Dancing was one thing but to kiss? That's just a straight no no! Do I ask her or let her explain when she's ready? Do I just let it go and pretend it never happened?! The scary part is I have to tell Cam. I have to because he'll ask what went down. I drop her off at home and stop to get me a blizzard before going home. As soon as I walk through the door, he tells me, "Amelia is upstairs, but she refuses to go to sleep until she sees you. I tried to read her a story after her bath, but she only stuck her tongue out at me. Good luck." I nod and go up to find her barely able to keep her eyes open. I turn her tv off and turn her night light on. I sit down beside her and kiss her forehead. "Night sweetheart. I love you." She lets out a small yawn and says, "I love you mommy." With that, she rolls over and goes to sleep. I then decide to go take a shower. Cameron joins me a few minutes later and pins me against the window. I smirk when he turns me around and bends me over. He enters me and begins to thrust in and out, slowly teasing me. So in return, I start twerking on him. He starts pounding my pussy from the back. Moments go by and he busts a big load. We wash off and get out. He laughs when I have a bit of a wobble to my walk. "Shut up! You did this to me!" I say. That only causes him to laugh even more. "Ass!" He smirks and picks me up tossing me on the bed. "Oh yeah? Was that an offer?" He asks me. "No! No! We are not doing that!" I tell him. He laughs again and raises an eyebrow. "Absolutely not!" I say as I hit him on the arm. He lays back and asks me the question I wish we could avoid. "So what did you and my sister do when y'all left?" I sigh and tell him, "Well, we went to this club she's been telling me about. There was this guy that wouldn't stop staring at us. So we went back to the dance floor. Where...Where she kissed me." He looks at me shocked. "She did what now?!" "She kissed me Cam. Not a small peck neither. It took me by surprise. I just stood there, staring at her!" He shakes his head. "I can't believe she would do that. Not only to me but to Tucker. Does he know?" I shrug and say, "I'm not sure if she told him or not. We didn't talk to each other, the whole way home. I however caught her smiling at me, while I was singing along with the radio. I hope it was just a heat of the moment thing and meant nothing. I love Kaitlyn but as a sister, Not the way, I love you." He kisses my cheek and tells me, "I know baby. Thank you for being honest. I'm just going to keep this between us, unless Tucker brings it up. About that time, his phone goes off. Notification tone. He checks and sees that he has a text from Tucker.

Bro Bro: Did you know?

Cameron: Know what?

Bro Bro: That Kaitlyn and Bre kissed!

Cameron: She just told me all that happened.

Bro Bro: You mad?

Cameron: Nah. Aubrey is straight. I have no worries man.

Bro Bro: Your sister admitted to having a crush on her... I mean I can't be to mad. I used to also. Hell who wouldn't? But it still happened. What do we do?

Cameron: I'm not sure what you're going to do but I trust my girl.

Bro Bro: I'll just talk to her and see how deep it is before anything else.

Cameron: Okay man. Good luck. I've got to get up early. Night bro.

Bro Bro: Night bro.

We arrive at the airport and Vanessa waves us over. After getting checked, we board the plane and I hand Amelia her monkey and a tablet to watch the new Smurfs movie. I'll find her something else to watch afterwards because our flight would be a 3 hr 56 min flight. Babe spent the first two hours asleep while, I watched the smurfs with baby girl. I had the window seat, since it's not my first time flying. I chose to get my tour bus from Nashville, Tennessee, which is why we're flying. As we land and get our luggage, Vanessa tells us the bus will be to pick us up in 10 minutes or so. It comes and we head over to the first signing. I change into black slacks, black pumps and a white button down blouse. Amelia was wearing a white dress with a black headband and shoes. Cameron wears all black. Vanessa is in a pants suit. as I sit down at the table, people start piling in. Cameron looks over at me and smiles. Amelia shifts uncomfortably in my lap. "It's okay baby girl. You have nothing to be scared 0f." I tell her. She nods then turns to smile up at the girl in front of us. I sign her copy and she tells me, "Your daughter is precious!" I smile. "Thank you." Amelia decides to tell the girl, "I'm Ah meel lee ah Rose!" She nods and leaves without another word. "Rude!" Amelia claims. I laugh as I sign the next person's copy. Cameron takes baby girl to the restroom, while I sign at least 50 more people's books. Just when I thought I was finished a note is placed in front of me from HIM... The guy, I keep bumping into. He gives me a smile before leaving. I open the note and it reads:


 You don't know me, but I know you. I've loved you from a distance. Meet me at your old tree house in 3 hours. I'll be there and will explain everything.

Love always.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2018 ⏰

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