Chapter 9- All Night Long

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Picture of Amelia Rose^^

I did baby girl some chicken nuggets and put Spongebob on for her to watch. Adam calls me to the kitchen when they are taken up to cool. He says to me, "So Bre where's your little boyfriend?" I blush and say, "I'll let you know when I have one." He laughs. "You may have gotten contacts but you are so blind. That boy that was here is clearly so far into you it's insane." He tells me. I shake my head and argue back. "No he's not! We are just friends Adam. You know it's not a crime for a guy and a girl to be close and just be friends. He's amazing and incredibly sweet but I look nothing like the types of girls he usually dates. He likes them skinny and I'm not." Adam fixes Amelia's plate and says, "Ruby sees it too and deep down you know he does but you're to scared to admit it. You shall see and find out soon." Ruby nods then tells me, "By the way, We found you the perfect gift and it is already at your house. I shall go over in two hours before Adam or Cameron will drive you there." "I can't wait to see the look on your face when you see your gift from us three. You may complain about it costing so much but no doubt about it, you'll love it." I nod then kiss my niece on top of her head, as I leave to go take a shower before bed. Just as I'm about to dose off, my phone vibrates. I unlock the screen to see a text from Cameron. I smile instantly clicking on it.

Cam😍💙: Your niece is so cute and your family is so accepting. It's cool really. Well I just wanted to say goodnight. I love you.
Cam😍💙: Uh forget about that last part. I'll talk to you in the morning. Get some rest, because you'll need it.
Me: Lol! Okay then. Good night Cam ;) <3
Cam😍💙: <3

Oh my God! He told me he loves me! Thing I don't know is how he meant it. Like was it as a friend, a sister or more than that? Do I love him back? I mean I do think about him a lot. Okay okay! He doesn't leave my mind. I'm attracted to him, that's for sure. Every time I see him, my stomach does flips. Oh my freaking gosh! I love Cameron! It's so clear to me now. I should had said it back! Maybe he'll slip up and say it again or maybe I'll grow a pair and tell him myself. I finally fall asleep an hour later and wake up at 9 A.M. Well I might as well start getting ready so I go to knock on Ruby's door on advice on what I should wear. I hear moaning and the bed hitting against the wall. "Nope!" Not a good time to ask her anything. I check on my niece to find her still sleeping peacefully. Good! She doesn't need to hear that stuff! I go back to my room and take a quick shower. I blow dry my hair then go into my closet in hopes of finding the perfect outfit. I don't even know what we're doing or where he's taking me. After 25 minutes of just sitting and thinking, I decide on a skirt outfit and heels.  I curl my hair and do natural makeup before going downstairs to wait on him the tests me he's outside. So I lock up and head out. I get into the car and he says, "You look beautiful." I blush and say back, "Thanks Cam. I like your hat." He chuckles and asks if I'm ready to start our day. I of course say yes and he drives us to a waffle house. I tell him, I want whatever's cheap and he tells me, "Nah. I've got enough money. Order what you want." I nod and order biscuit and gravy with a hash brown with a tall glass of Orange juice. He gets two bacon biscuits and scrambled eggs, with orange juice as well. After we're done eating, he tells me he's taking me shopping. We look around for a little while til I finally find an outfit or two I like. He buys them and a bikini he thinks would look good on me and bring out my tan. He smiles at me and says, "Now we go back home but to the beach." "We're going to go surfing." "Well I'm going to attempt to teach you anyways." "Really?! I've never seen you do that before. Like not with a girl anyways, only the guys." I tell him. He then tells me, "Aubrey you aren't just any girl, You're special." I blush and look out the window biting my lip. He goes to get his surf board and tells me to change into my new swim suit. I steal his hat off his head and run inside his bathroom. He again gets the right size. I'm still shocked he knows my size. I take a couple of selfies with his hat on and decide to send him a one.

Me: *Sends a selfie*
Cam😍💙: ....
Me: That bad??
Cam😍💙: You look really good in my hat ;)
Me: Ohhh. Okay. Thanks Cam :)
Cam😍💙: Always <3

I walk out back and run and jump on his back. He laughs and says, "You do know we can't surf like this right?" I say, "Boo you suck!" I get down and run to the water. We get on the board and paddle out. We sit there for about 10 minutes, when a wave comes and we stand but I lose balance and we fall off. After resurfacing, we try it again and ride it out. He asks if I want to go again and I nod. After suffering for awhile the sun begins to set. He pulls out the picnic basket and lays a blanket down for us to sit on. We eat fruit salad and feed each other laughing and joking around. We lay back and stare up at the stars. Laying in silence he breaks it by saying, "Today was amazing. Thank you for hanging out with me. We have to do it again." I smile and tell him, "Yes it was and most definitely." We lay there talking all night long, only to fall asleep in each other's arms.

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