I Hate Hypocrites To Death: Part Four

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" It's been a while, right Kacchan?" Deku stood in front of Bakugo with grace and class. Bakugo had no words to respond to that as he glared hatefully at the Shinigami. Todoroki hid himself behind a corner confused on what was happening.

" Y-you....!" Bakugo scowled but was uncertain for what to do. Why was he afraid? Why was he afraid of the Deku that he always beat? Why would he be afraid?

" Do you know why I'm here, Kacchan?" Izuku stepped out of the shadows with a light grin. His smile would send shivers up anyone's spine. And Bakugo was not a exception. He stood rooted to the spot. Only when Izuku pulled out a pitch black gun did he move. He put up his hand to incinerate the dark bullets.

" W-what??!!" Bakugo yelled as a bullet imbedded itself into his shoulder. Another appeared heading towards his other shoulder. Katsuki barely dodged it as it nicked his bicep.

" Hmm? You dodged them? Ah, it seems one hit you" The smile never left Izuku's face. In fact, it grew when he saw the blood on Kacchan's hero outfit.

Todoroki was there watching it all. He was unsure whether Midoriya had saw him or not. He wouldn't be able to handle this alone. Get Aizawa and All Might-sensei. Yes, he should do that. Todorki ran as fast as he could back toward the classroom, hoping they were still there.
Izuku smirked as he watched Todorki leave knowing exactly what he was going to do. Izuku dodged each and every one of Bakugo's attacks without much effort. It was much easier after he had wounded Bakugo's shoulder. Right when Bakugo started initiating one of his attacks, Izuku quickly shot a bullet towards his abdomen.

" S-sh**!" Bakugo cursed as he fell on one knee. Izuku didn't stop there. He pulled out a knife as he walked closer. Every step was hell for Bakugo. He never felt fear grip his heart like this. And this was from the Deku who he always bullied. The Deku that never talked back. The Deku that was always so obedient?! Like hell it was! This was the devil. A monster. An Angel of Death.
A knife flew towards his other shoulder. He didn't have the strength to stop it. Another flew towards his knee. He fell over.
He watched as Izuku pulled out another knife with a smile plastered on his face.

" Good Night Kacchan" and everything went dark.


By the time they got to the scene, they were already gone. But Bakugo was definitely here. There was blood here and there and part of Bakugo's Hero costume(?) was on the floor like it was torn off. What exactly happened? And why did Midoriya do that? Was Bakugo dead? Did he take him? Aizawa and Todoroki both stood there without much change in their expression of anxiety after seeing and hearing about what happened.

" Are you sure it was Midoriya?" Asked All Might. Todoroki nodded with an anxious expression. Why did Midoriya take Bakugo? For revenge? He didn't know. All Might walked to where the most blood was. He noticed a black glove. There was another one a little bit farther ahead. And then another one leading to another worn down wall.....
All Might expression changed into one of shock. The others followed for to see what was on the wall. What they saw- smelled -made they want to hurl. On the was were bloody sentences written in someone's blood. That someone would be Bakugo probably.
The words 'Hahaha! Wanna know where Kacchan is? That's for me to know! Haha' in bold red letters. The sentences didn't seem like it would be from Izuku. He sounded crazy. But the nickname 'Kacchan' proved it was him. How did Izuku change? How did he become... so crazy?

" What happened to Midoriya...?" Muttered All Might. That's what they all wanted to know.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~If you weren't so crazy I'd think you were insane - The Joker(idk I love that quote so yeah)

When Bakugo came to, he was strapped to a chair that was quite uncomfortable. He looked to his chained down arms to the armrest. There was dried blood on it which made him inwardly cringe. In fact, there was dried blood everywhere. The whole room looked like a scene from a horror movie.

" Oh you're awake. Good morning Kacchan" Izuku appeared from the darkness. Bakugo tried to yell, to scream, to thrash around but the metal strapping him was preventing him. The metal brace around his head stopped him from even opening his mouth. " Hmmm? Cat got your tongue?" Izuku's grin widened into laughter. " HAAhahaAAhaa. I guess not"
Izuku looked to his captive with a fake smile as they just stared at each other. Well Bakugo's stare was more hateful and more like a glare. It was then Izuku finally dropped his act. His gentlemanly smile turned into a frown as his eyes turned cold." I would've killed you already. Ya know I really hate hypocrites. And you the most" He sighed with faked sadness. " But that'd ruin my plan" Bakugo's eyes slightly widened. He tried trashing around once more as if to ask 'What plan?!! What goddam plan Deku?!!'. But alas, he couldn't. He just watched in horror as Izuku pulled out a syringe with a smile.
" Don't worry. I'll make it as painful as possible for you"


" Shinigami-sama. The preparations are done" Yami reported as Izuku came out of the 'operation' room. His blue rubber gloves were stain with red. Blood. Yami eyed Izuku's hands but the hair covering his eyes prevented anyone from seeing it. Though he did most of the dirty work for Izuku, it was only on corpses. Not breathing, living people.
He inwardly grimaced as he recalled the screaming. He shook his head as he heard Midoriya speak.

" Okay~ I'm almost done on my end too. It's almost time then!" Izuku smiled to no one as Yami stood there behind him.
Yami couldn't help but think that no matter what he did, he would never be able to figure the boy out.

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