I Hate Hypocrites To Death: Part Eleven

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Can I please have someone's opinion?? Please?? Will anyone read the sequel to this if it's a KHR crossover? Someone please answer my pleas T-T


Todoroki found himself standing in a cage as he was immediately cuffed with some kind of metal beeping bracelet. It certainly was not a bracelet. Since no matter what Todoroki did, he couldn't use his quirk. He gripped the bars of the cage, watching the men clad in black walk in and out of the room, bringing in other class 1-A students also cuffed with the weird bracelet. It was when Iida was brought into the room unconscious did a person not wearing the black uniform come in.
The man was not clad in black, rather white and wore a porcelain eye mask. You could see his handsome feature even with the mask. Todoroki's eyes narrowed as he thought of where he saw this man before.

" Ara? Someone's awake?" The man with the porcelain mask walked up to Todoroki's cage with a gentlemanly smile. "You're Todoroki-kun? Endeavour's little son? I see you've grown into a nice little boy" His smile widened as he continued to tease Todoroki. This only made him glare more. "But I can see..... that you'll never surpass your father" This made Todoroki's face freeze for a second before his  eyes narrowed more as he grit his teeth.

" ...... What?" Todoroki glared intensely at the man. This only made him laugh.

" Haha~ you don't even have the resolution to surpass him! You won't even be able to stand up behind him" He continued to laugh as Todoroki glared at him, not even having enough power to break the bars. " Haha! I guess that's enough for now. I'll take my leave for now. Don't worry I'll be back when everyone wakes~" And with that, he walked out of the room gracefully, leaving Todoroki fuming without a word.


Izuku had gotten the report from one of Yami's shadows. He sighed but he had already factored that into his plan. Actually, if she hadn't escaped, he would've leaked some information to the Heros. So with that, Izuku started making some extra preparations.
He walked down the stairs to the cellar where a dark room was. It used to be a nice mat black room but now there was dark red scraping everywhere. Especially near the centre of the room where a boy sat cuffed to the metal chair. He no longer had that defiant look anymore. He looked much more obedient and quiet. But of course, that wouldn't cover his true personality.

" ......What do you want" Bakugo Katsuki sat in a bloody heap on the metal chair. He no longer sweared like he yelled at Deku. Now, he only glared and silently scream when Izuku did his experiments.

" Haha~ your friends are coming to see you soon!" This made Bakugo's eyes widen before gritting his teeth. There was nothing good from that. Even if they did save him.... nothing would change. Deku would probably already factored that in his plan. He was scheming and intelligent. There was no way they could beat him in scheming.

" They're idiots......" Bakugo spat out some blood and glared at the ground. Izuku's eyes slightly softened as he saw the expression on Bakugo's face. It seems his childhood friend was learning how to worry for his friends as well. That was good..... No... No! That's merely entertainment! There's nothing more then seeing someone like Bakugo suffer right...? Right?!
Izuku backed up and turned his back to Bakugo so he couldn't see his expression. He swiftly left the room as he covered his face with his hand, leaving a half worried and relieved Bakugo.
He walked passed all the other shadows and servants clad in black as they say their worries. Izuku merely covered his face and brush passed them. He didn't want anyone to see him right now. He made his way to his room and gave orders for no one to enter.
That was when he finally slumped down to the ground next to the door. His hair covered his eyes but if you looked closely, you could see glistening tears sliding down his face. His eyes were slightly swollen and puffy. It looked like Izuku before he left. It looked exactly like the the adorable Izuku everyone knew and loved. No one was in the room, no one saw. He was all alone, and he stayed alone. But he never did want that. Afterall, no one truly wants to be alone. But even after thinking about it again and again, he knew this was the right choice. Maybe not for himself, but for the others. He doesn't want this... does he? Doesn't he hate them? Yeah, doesn't he hate those hypocrites enough to kill them? They were... they were only pawns! They were merely a source of entertainment. They never cared about him. They never helped him when he needed it.
But-but.... They were his friends... weren't they....? Did that... did that count as him betraying them...? He gritted his teeth, he covered his face, he cried and cried, but he came to the conclusion all alone there, that this was the right decision. His face stained with dried tears, his lips bleeding from himself bitting them, his hands clenched so tightly there were bloodily nail marks on there.
He knew. He knew that he would have to do this regardless. He had no choice. He had traveled down this path. He already crossed the line that never should've been crossed.
He can't go back. He won't go back. He will continue until the end. Until he's completely gone. Until he's dead. There's no other path to take.


I almost cried writing this guys T-T. I'm so sorry Izu-chan.. I feel like a bad person now...
And about the question at the starting of this chapter. Would anyone read a KHR(Katekyo Hitman Reborn) crossover? Which would be the sequel to this story. Please I need your opinions!

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