I Hate Hypocrites To Death: Part Fourteen

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Oh my god. I just realized we've hit 9k reads! This amazing! Awesome! The best Christmas gift(even tho it ain't even October yet.. I'll count this as a early Christmas gift 😊) EVER! So without further ado, here's another chappie


Todoroki kept an eye out for the guards who were currently outside for lunch break. They only had one chance. And this was it. Iida, in his own cage, took out a metallic shard. It was made out of black diamond that his father has gave to him in case of emergencies.
And this was one. Iida held it up and smashed the bracelet with it, resulting in electricity flying here and there. And with another small explosion of smoke, it fell off. Iida immediately got to work setting everyone free. It was strange, no one came in even when the cages were destroyed. It was also strange that the cages were made out of normal metal. Not anything that would make it hard for any civilian with a normal quirk to get out of.
He couldn't help but think it was strange. Was it done purposefully? Or did he think that was enough to keep them there? They didn't even check them for weapons....
Even if that was the case, they didn't have a choice in the matter. It was either take it our leave it, both of them would probably go exactly to their opponents plans.
They had left the room of cages and found themselves in a hallway with few lights. There were no guards stationed there. But if you look further down the hall, you can see the many other guards. They moved in the opposite direction of them and headed even deeper into the maze of halls. They came to the conclusion that they were underground, seeing that there were no windows at all and that there were stairs that led down.
They had tried to take the stairs that led up but eventually reached a dead end. They went other ways as well but found guards stationed everywhere on that floor. Should they fight to get up? They don't seem to be looking for them? Have they not found that they have escaped?
In the end, they had decided to split up. It wasn't a good idea to split up when you knew nothing of where they were in an enemy base but they didn't really have a choice. Actually, they should've done this at the room of the cages but they were a bit frightened to. Afterall, who knows what could happen to them if they were caught.
It was decided that they would be divided into four groups. Two groups would stay on this floor to stand guard at opposite sides of the floor. The other two groups would go down to see if there was an exit or something separately. If there wasn't, they would come back and they would all head up through the elevators if they could defeat all the guards.
Todoroki was in the group that went with the group that went down the stairs. He volunteered and acted as the leader of their group. Iida also acted as the leader of his own group which stayed on the floor with the elevator. He said he would plan how to get out if something unexpected happens. And so their roles were decided and the groups split up. Good thing they had their phones on them. And they actually had signal! That at least told them they were not in some abandoned or deserted part of the country.
Todoroki couldn't help but become more and more nervous as they headed deeper and deeper into the enemy's base. He didn't want to see what was down there. It was a few minutes later of traveling down the same flight of stairs did they come to a large metal door. It looked quite heavy but.. it wasn't locked. The door creaked open as Todoroki gripped the handles. The door slowly but surely opened. The group gasped. Todoroki's eyes widened. What happened here?


All Might and the rest of the Heroes prepared to storm the hospital, where there was not one innocent patient. This hospital was for where criminals were treated. To think that he was right beneath their noses this whole time. They didn't have enough evidence to invade it though so they would have to do with an inspection first.
All Might, Uraka and Tsukauchi headed in along with a few dozen heroes and policemen. They inspected every corner of the hospital. It was when the Angel hero Angelo came over did All Might and Uraraka pause.

" Angelo-san?" Uraraka said out loud. Angelo smiled gently before pointing to the grandfather clock which was strangely in the hospital.

" Twelve o'clock midnight" Angelo smiled before adding. " Look up at the sky at that time" All Might's brow furrowed. It was currently 10:12 PM and he wondered why he would say that. Especially during the inspection. Uraka thought the same but decided to do think about it when it happens. Right now she needed to rescue her friends. She needed to rescue class 1-A and Iida who sacrificed himself to save her. She grit her teeth and made a face before All Might tried to console her once again. Angelo disappeared into the night without anyone's notice.


Izuku sat on top of the tower as he waited, Yami and Kuroi by his side. Kuroi didn't know what was happening and he couldn't help but wonder what their boss had gotten planned. He was sure Yami knew but he wouldn't tell him! He silently tsked and impatiently tapped his foot.
Izuku merely smiled and didn't seem to take notice. But of course, Yami did before he smacked Kuroi on the head with his fist. This got him quiet.
Another shadow- or should I say light- appeared next to them. This was of course the Angel hero, Angelo. How he got up there so quickly was a mystery.

" Greetings Shinigami-kun" Angelo paused before smiling once again. " I have told them what you wanted me to say... Hmmm I wonder what you're up to little Death?" Izuku smiled but was quite irritated inside of the nick name. He quickly cooled his head before replying with a sigh and dull eyes.

" That is for me to know" Izuku stopped before staring into the night, then staring at the hospital, and then back to the ground. "But you'll see soon... very soon" He gave another complicated smile that only himself would understand. The end..... is coming... isn't it?

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