I Hate Hypocrites To Death: Part Fifteen

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Oh god... 10k reads! Yayyyyyy!!!! To think this caught up to my other book so quickly yay! I seriously didn't think I'd get more then 100 reads


The sight shocked and disgusted Todoroki and most of his group. Some nearly barfed out their lunch. There was some worry mixed across their faces as they tried to help the blond who was strapped in the metal chair in the middle. There was blood everywhere, which was most probably Bakugo's. . The tools of 'dissection' were scattered about the dirty, brown-red floor. You could see stitches on his arm, eyebrow and neck. Scars were side by side with the stitches and those were only the ones visible. They had asked over and over again.... Why would Midoriya do this? Even if they had ignored him when he needed help and insinuated it.... He didn't have to go that far right?
After a few seconds of nearly hurling up lunches and cringes, they worriedly went over to help Bakugo. Bakugo was awake by then, hearing the sounds of retching. He hoped they didn't make the room even more unbearable. But that wasn't the point. They shouldn't have come here. He knew Izuku was scheming something and class 1-A is going to be dragged into it. He might've been a a**hole but, he did care some inkling about them. And of course, he did regret making Deku turn to the villains. Even before Deku had captured and tortured him.
As the group tried to unlock the metal chair, Bakugo tried trashing around. A gleam of a shiny crimson caught Todoroki's eye. His eyes narrowed as he saw a crimson crystal imbedded in Bakugo's hand. It was the same red he saw in the metal bracelet.
The chair was only made out of normal metal but Bakugo hadn't gotten out yet... meaning that crystal was the same and..... it had Quirk suppressing properties. Todoroki went up to Bakugo and touched the crystal. He felt nothing different but when he tried to use his Quirk, nothing happened. He quickly took his hand off and unlocked the metal brace on Bakugo's head so he could talk.
What first came out of his mouth was hoarse coughing. Afterall, Bakugo hadn't spoken in weeks. To keep him alive, they fed him nutrients through the IV drips. That didn't really do anything for his body though. He was noticeably skinnier after they took him off of the metal chair. It wasn't anything major but it would probably affect his fighting style if he didn't get healed soon.

" Bakugo, what's that red thing in your hand" Todoroki -more than asked- stated. Bakugo's brows furrowed slightly before he looked to the gem in his hand.

" F**cking Deku put that in my f**cking hand" he said before turning to the only exit. The large metal doors.

" Bakugo! Wait" He stopped Bakugo before gesturing to the red gem on his hand. " We have to get it out. Now" Bakugo 'tched' before they started getting the crystal out of his hand.

--------------------When I am unintentionallymaking myself ship Bakugo and Todoroki... Oh well

Iida was anxious. Very much so with reason. They had just been captured by a friend who they trusted and now somehow got out of their cages. But they ended up in the middle of their enemy's base with no known way out. And underground too! They also had to split up.
Iida sighed as he heard the buzzing of his phone. He, of course, put it on silent like everyone else did. He answered the phone after seeing Todoroki's name on there.

" Todoroki-san? Is everything alright?" Iida gestured for the others to stand guard while he was talking.

" Yes. We haven't found any exits but..." Todoroki's voice sounded a bit strained. " We found Bakugo.. in a... bad condition" Todoroki stopped before talking about the red gem. " Do you know anything of the red crystals in the metal bracelets?" Iida paused. He had seen it somewhere before. When his father had once brought him to see how Quirk wielding criminals were jailed. They had put on cuffs that had the red crystals on them.

" Red Quirk Supressing Crystals. Also known as Red Crystals or just Quirk Suppressing Crystals" Iida recited. " They are used by the government to suppress the captured criminals with Quirks" Iida paused." I heard the mines that found it were all under the government and only the government had access to it" So... How did they get access to it?


Todoroki had hung up the call after thanking him for the information to talk about it when they met up again. They were running up the many steps of the seemingly never ending stairs. Bakugo had nearly fell over a few times but he refused any help they offered to him.
They finally caught sight of the rondaevoo point. They rounded a corner with caution before catching sight of Iida's and the other groups.
With a few minutes of rest, they began discussing what they would do next. Meaning, getting on the elevator after beating up the guards. Iida and Todoroki didn't talk about the Red Crystals and Bakugo didn't even take part of the discussion. He had been trying out his Quirk the whole time. You could hear his swearing a mile away. It was a wonder how the guards didn't hear him.


Izuku and his group was still waiting there on the tower. Izuku had a irritated look on his face but it was no wonder since he would have to deal with their consistent whining.

" Ne ne~ little Death~ how much longer do we have to wait~?" Angelo slouched next to him.

" Boooossssss! I'm hungry~~~!" Kuroi was holding his stomach, sitting next to a sleeping Yami. If Yami was awake he would've kicked Kuroi off of the tower by then. Rainer was standing next  to Angelo emotionlessly who also never stopped asking that same question.

" Angelo-san! Didn't you pass the message that it'd be 12:00 o'clock? It hasn't even been an hour yet!" Izuku turned to Kuroi." And you just ate! I even gave a another sandwich twenty minutes ago!"
Izuku exploded but neither of them paid if any heed and continued to complain. This will be a long day for Izuku. And his last day. He had hoped that at least his last day wouldn't be so irritating.

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