I Hate Hypocrites To Death: Part Twelve

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I updated! Yay! Oh shoot.. I'm gonna cry... prepare the tissues for this chapter.... I feel like such a bad person for writing this...


Izuku stood once again atop of the city watching the city lights. He had a dull look in his eyes. The look quickly disappeared as he sighed. His exasperated look turned into a sad smile into the nothingness of the night.
The cars zoomed down and up the roads but they merely looked like insects from up here. He had enough of this. This world full of hypocrites. He sighed again. He was himself again. Not the Izuku who was mocking class 1-A and the heroes, not the one negotiating with Angelo, not the one torturing Bakugo, he was Izuku Midoriya, the one before this madness. But, that didn't mean he would stop his plans. He had gone too far to come back, he knew that. So he'll go even farther even if that meant he would have to suffer.
Izuku opened his eyes from his thoughts before they widened. He immediately turned back to see yet another cloaked figure. There was something different about it. Izuku couldn't really pinpoint it but he knew it was there. That feeling of uneasiness. It tore at his brain. The cloaked figure didn't say anything. It walked up to him without hesitation. Izuku, on the other hand, hesitantly stepped back. The feeling got stronger with every step the figure took.
It was until the figure was one step away from Izuku that he pulled out a small folded paper. He let go of it as it floated towards Izuku. Izuku gingerly plucked it from the air and unfolded it. He looked back to where the figure stood- was standing- before inwardly freaking out. He was gone. How? How didn't he notice him in the first place? How is he gone like that without a trace?
He stopped as he saw what was with the folded paper. What is that.....? How....?


Uraraka was being comforted by All Might in the corner of the room while the rest of the heroes were figuring out what to do. Some of their best heroes have disappeared and no one knew where they went. And to think they were the ones who brought the danger into UA high. But luckily, they had anticipated that something like this might've happened with Trevas. So they had placed an almost undetectable tracer on Trevas.
They could track him now. But what they didn't know was that Izuku already knew about it. He had made his preparations based off of this afterall. Without knowing that they were walking right into Izuku's plan, they continued to discuss how what to do.


Later that night, Izuku came out of his room without being noticed. He slipped out into the night and quickly moved among the shadows. Within minutes he was standing in front of a dull looking house. All the lights were off luckily.
Izuku hesitated before stepping into the house, using the key he had in his pocket. He headed upstairs, careful not to be heard. He opened the door and entered one of the rooms. He looked through all the All Might posters with a reminiscent look.
How nostalgic. It was exactly as he left it all that time ago. He walked to the computer on at the rn of the room and turned it on. He scrolled through all his All Might videos to his favourite. The one of All Might's debut, where he had saved hundreds upon hundreds.
Sitting in the seat he used to sit in all that time back, he covered his face with his hands. He couldn't take it anymore. Tears streamed down his face. Tears of regret and guilt. He didn't mean to.... he didn't mean to hurt everyone... he just... couldn't take the pressure anymore... he couldn't take Bakugo's critism, the other civilians criticizing them, the heroes criticizing him...
He knew... he wasn't fit to become a hero. Maybe that was what pushed him to become a villain. A Villain that toys with people's lives. That didn't care about the innocents anymore. These thoughts hurt him so much. But he can't take back what he's done anymore. He can't.
He stood up to leave but froze in his tracks as he heard the door creak open. He couldn't say anything. He couldn't do anything. He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. He just ...couldn't.

" Izu....ku....?" His mom stood there trembling at the doorway of his room. Her eyes were wide with shock before turning into a look of happiness. Izuku felt his mom hugging him and he hugged back. He felt that his mom was crying just as much if not more then himself. Izuku kneeled down to support his crying mother. His tears threatened to spill as well.

" Okaa...sama..." he gave a tired smile. Inko returned the smile ten fold.

" Izuku....! Izuku...! I'm.. I'm so sorry...! It was all my fault...!" His mother didn't even question why he became a villain. She just said sorry over and over again. She didn't ask why he came back, she just apologized again and again. Saying it was her fault. Izuku's eyes widened. He grimaced at the guilt. He stopped her mid sentence. " I-it.. I'm sorr-"

" It's okay... Okaa-sama...." He smiled. " It isn't your fault... I did it of my own accord" Inko stopped before looking at her son sorrowfully.

" Izuku.... my son... I won't ask you why... but please... please promise me..." Inko looked up at her son almost pleadingly." Please... don't hurt yourself... anymore...!" That was the last thing she said before her's eyes widened. Izuku's bangs shadows his eyes. Midoriya Inko went limp in Izuku's arms.

" I'm sorry... Okaa-sama... I can't keep that promise..."

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