I Hate Hypocrites To Death: Part Sixteen

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Guys we're nearing the end of I Hate Hypocrites To Death! Just a few more chapters!


Class 1-A quickly cleaned up the trash- *cough cough* -the guards. Bakugo had said it himself. 'I'm gonn f**king kill these trashes' quote, Bakugo from a few minutes ago. They had finally got to the elevator that seemed quite scary. Like the elevators from the horror movies in which the lights start flashing and the Gr*dge appears. This one was slightly larger and could barely fit all of class 1-A. There was a lot of complaining and also swearing- courtesy of Bakugo.
All other 18 students of class 1-A were squished into the large elevator as Todoroki searched for the elevator buttons. To his dismay, there were only two buttons. One was the basement level, which they assumed they were currently on, and there was the 'roof' level, which they were going to since there was no where else to go. The ride was terrible. Full of swearing, farting, sorrys, sneezes and bless yous. The worst was no one knew how long it'd go on or what they would find at the end.


Izuku sighed for the umpteenth time today. He looked to Yami, who had woken up just a few minutes ago, and Kuroi, who were bickering back and forth. Angelo on the other hand, started going on his phone and showing it to Izuku who tried to ignore it. Angelo wouldn't stop pestering him about the latest posts, something about skeleton wars(courtesy of my Wattpad and Discord fam and friends). Izuku could barely take it anymore.
'Maybe I should've just asked Rainer to teleport them up here? Ugh....!" and with that thought he continued to suffer with the trio of idiots.


Uraraka went to take a breather outside the hospital. It was quite crowded and noisy in there which made it almost unbearable. The atmosphere there was also very tense and she couldn't take it anymore. She felt torn. Her friends are all gone, disappeared and kidnapped. She felt so alone. She could barely take it as her mind was like it was being torn apart. But it was just then a shadow flashed in front of her. She gasped and tripped back in fright.
Just as she was about to scream and use her quirk, he revealed his face. A face full of memories. A face she hadn't seen since the 'gift' he had left them.

" I-izuku-kun....?" Her widened eyes followed the face she had seen as her good friend and first crush. Izuku smiled a somehow sad smile before opening his mouth to speak.

" Uraraka-chan" He greeted her, sounding much more mature then he looked. Uraraka fell onto her bottom and didn't get up. She didn't know what was happening nor what to do.

" I-Izuku-kun..! W-what are y-you doing here..?!" She trembled slightly as she gripped her sleeves.

" Uraraka-chan.... I'm sorry for everything.... I was not in the best mental state during the time I was making my decision. I wasn't thinking" Izuku paused. " No, that's just an excuse. I truly am sorry but you have every right to hate me" Uraraka sat there stunned. She couldn't really say anything afterall he explained to her. A small fire of hope lit up in her eyes.

" T-then... Then y-you'll come back...?" She asked, trembling no longer in shock, but in slight excitement and hope. Unfortunately, Izuku shook his head. All the hope dimmed from her eyes.

" I'm afraid I cannot. But..... you and the rest of class 1-A should go on and live happily" He smiled with all the pain hidden from his eyes. " .....without me" Uraraka's eyes widened as Izuku stepped away from her.

" N-No! I-Izuku!!" She cried out as Izuku disappeared, giving her one last sad smile. And he was gone, unfortunately not to be seen again.


Izuku was confused. His thoughts kept wandering back to the paper- the photo- the cloaked person had given him. He recognized Yami and Kuroi but who were the other people that were in the photo? Why is it on the back was some signatures as well as his own? Why did the cloak figure have this? When was it taken?
The thoughts tore at his already exhausted mind which was still trying to ignore the annoying chatter in the background.
He waited here for hours. Ever since he sent Angelo to deliver the message he had been sitting her with a weird feeling. He sighed. Maybe instead of just wondering about it, he should inspect it for any clues? He walked to the other side of the tower where no one dared to bother him and reached into his pocket. He pulled it out and held it for him to see.
A woman beside him in the photo caught his eye. She had pretty pink hair and silver eyes with gold rings. She was enchantingly beautiful. He flipped the paper as the name 'Emily Fortier' in beautiful cursive appeared. He looked at the names of the males in the picture. There were 'Yami', 'Kuroi', a 'Mizuki', 'Lucas Fortier' and a little girl named 'Raven'. He didn't know them but somehow felt at ease when looking at the picture. It was very chilly up at the top of the tower but looking at the picture gave him a warm feeling.

" Mizuki, Lucas, Raven and.... Emily...." As he whispered these names, Yami approached him. He bowed his head slightly before reporting.

" They are nearly here" Izuku stopped his daydreaming(night?) and headed over with Yami to the opening elevator doors. Angelo stood up as Kuroi stopped his complaining, suddenly turning professional. Izuku forced his tangle of emotions down as he faked his smile.

" It seems you've gotten here, class 1-A" Izuku smiled with a lone thought running through his head.
'Finally! They took so freakin long!'


Yay I updated~ and here is where I'll be adding in some OCs. And if you want to find out who they are and what happened here, you'll have to read the sequel which I will be working on in the next few chapters.

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