Young Juctice x Reader (1.1)

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First One in the book! Hope you like it ~
(Y/N)= Your name
( Y/P)= Your Powers
( Y/H/N) = Your Superhero Name
( Y/ T/ N) = Your Team Name

No ones Pov
" Team this is (Y/H/N) , has you all know from
( Y/T/N). They'll be working with you for a while since the others are on a mission." Batman said. " Give them the run down of the place."

It's no surprise the team has always been a bit curious about the other team that was formed. Both of the teams considered joining forces, but the side that you came from worked a little bit differently then most league rules would follow.

" Really? Your from the another team? What are they hiding from- ow" Kid Flash asked as he was cut off.

" KF, cool it." Robin hit him on the side. " Welcome the covert team, ( Y/H/N).

Then Mrs. Martian walked up. (Insert all the names from season 1)." It's nice to meet you all, I'm (Y/N)." They gave you a tour of the mountain and ended up back by the Zata-tubes.

" So what's ( Y/T/N) doing while your here?" Asked Artemis. " And what's the League giving you guys that there not giving to us?" Rocket asked.

" They were all picked to do a undercover investigation. The people they're spying on ,are after me." You said.

" So not cool, that sounds better than what we do." Wally said.  

" Why is it that they assign you that type of mission?" Kalur asked.

" I don't know, that's something you need to ask Batman about. But I think you guys are good as is." You said.

For the pass week there were no missions, lame and boring. Everyone was some what nice to you, Kalur was the most kind. You can hear some of them sometimes back talking you. You finally get to go on a mission with these guys, cool. Batman walked in and called all of you for the mission.

" The mission is simple, get the object and get out. Aqualad, you will not be leading this mission, (Y/H/N) will. They know the area. Along with Aqualad and (Y/H/N), Superboy, Mrs. Martian, Artemis , Kid Flash, Zatanna, and Rodin. Get moving." Batman said

" Wait, wait, (Y/H/N) is leading us? What do they have that Aqualad can't lead?" Kid Flash asked angrily

" I ask the same as Kid Flash. Why can I not lead this mission?" Aqualad asked calmly.

" It's their area and land out. I'm assigning this role to them so that you all won't be killed or injured due your own ignorance of not listening ." Batman said then left again

You thought everyone was mad or confused at you at this point. You stayed quiet till you got to the location. The whole time on the bio-ship, they were in a mind link with Miss. Martian. Leaving you out of course. Some gave you some dirty looks, but whatever. You were focused on the mission. All of you guys landed and stepped out the ship.

" So (Y/H/N), what's the plan? What's so good about it?" Superboy asked very rudely.

" This island isn't real, it's fake. It's made of some kind of material. We need to find the underground base and get the object before it destroys all of Mother Nature. "You instructed. " Robin, scan area for any metal pleadings near us. "

" Okay, Great (Y/H/N)." Robin said mocking you as if them were some God. It starts to really piss you off. But you want to keep tried your cool.

" Make sure you guys stay clear of the fake vines here. They can electrify you." You advise. You didn't scan the area on your watch to see if there's any other occurrences or items that might be in the way.

The team followed you along the path and maze of a force that was on the island . You made sure to warn them about some traps that might be there. Along the way, you did encounter a couple of bodyguards, but you made sure to stay clear of them . You find the base in a quick amount of time and find the object.

" Wow, this didn't take long." Zatanna said

" Let's get ou-." Miss. Martian was cut off by a blast that hit her unconscious. Superboy ran over to her.

" Miss. Martian!" You yelled and quickly got into fighting stance to see what was attacking you.

A dark figure came out. (Y/T/N) enemy, Smoke. He made of smoke and has fire powers. " Well (Y/H/N), didn't expect you here? A new team I see?" Smoke said

" A friend of yours?" Kid Flash asked

" Aqualad, Miss. Martian, keep your distance. He has fire powers. Physical attacks won't work on him or objects." You said

" Magic then. I'll take care of him. 'raelc siht ekoms morf eht ria'" Zatanna casted a spell

" No Z-" Too late. She cast a spell.

Smoke started to break up into the air and was gone in thin air. But his body parts made of smoke started to attack the oxygen around you guys . Everyone started coughing and trying to breathe clearer air.

" SMOKE GET AWAY FROM THEM! " You yelled. You used (Y/P) to contain it. Smoke's body came together trying to suffocate you instead . The smoke was making you really weak and he was hitting you with his fire power. You were unable to breathe properly.

" (Y/H/N)!" Everyone yelled in worry. With the last of your breath you tried to yell Kid Flash:

" R..u.n."

Kid Flash heard you and started running a circles around you to form a twister. Smoke flew out the air way and got away. You lay there very weak and unable to move because of the fire blast Smoke did. Then in a second, the team runs over. They were all yelling your name: (Y/H/N)!! ( Y/N)!! Then you blanked out.

The next 48 hours, you were on high alert for breathing. You were put on life support and still haven't woke up. The team feels bad for talking bad behind your back. You just risked your life to save them. The reason why Batman picked you to lead this mission is because you know how to lead in every group. Then you slowly started to wake up." G-guys." You said

" Look, their majesty is up." Artemis said

The League was there to see if you were okay. (Y/T/N) wasn't there because of the mission, sad. You've had enough of this rudeness from this team and it stands clear they don't want you on their team. You took a deep and heated breath.

Your POV

" OK I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS RUDENESS FROM THIS TEAM! You call yourselves heroes? Ever since I got here I can hear you guys behind my back! * cough * I'M DONE WORKING WITH YOU TILL YOU FULLY UNDERSTAND WHAT YOUR SAY!" I yelled out my rant.

The League was quite and looking at there prodigies. More like glaring.

" Look we're sorry. We should've been more nicer and not have mocked you." Robin said not looking at you.

" You saved your lives back there. Thank you." Miss. Martian said with her head down.

" That doesn't explain your attitudes *cough*. Tell Red Tornado to help you on your manners." You start standing up and walk to the Zata-tube. " Roy wasn't this bad." And you left

Then the League had a little talk with protégés.

You weren't expecting that right? I'm taking requests~! Comment and vote! Thank you 😊

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