Beast Boy x Reader

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" I'm sorry guys, but I won't be part of the Outsiders." You told them nervously. Cassie, Vergil, Bart, Jamie, Brion, and Garfield. " It was a good idea at first, but now , I just don't know. I'm still just too new at all of this."

" We understand, chica. Don't worry too much about it." Jamie replies.

" Too bad, you'd be great for the views with those looks." Cassie added in to make light of the mood. Everyone was there ready to do their thing and help bring justice to those that can't.

" You can do what you want. And when your ready, you have a free invitation." Vergil fist punched me, cool. Gar isn't looking at me though , possibly upset because I gave him false hope for not going public. I've been with them for a year, not Brion, but it doesn't seem right.

" So it's settled." Aquaman began this speech of what's going to be official for now. Beast Boy also had another surprise to show them. A new mission area in Hollywood, everything is going so fast in the hero world. He explains everything from top to bottom, it pretty cool. There are bedrooms for those that don't have a home to go to, kitchen, living/mission room, and soon a medical bay, training area, and zata tubes.

I haven't told my parents I was a meta-human. The excuse I gave was I wasn't experimented on, what a lie that is because all I can really do is  move things. Pretty plain , but they're too sensitive about someone like me being out in the open, doesn't look good for them . Which speaking of them, I need to head home before they notice I'm not home.

" Sorry again guys, I just gotta go now." As I walk towards the elevator.

" Wait, Y/N." Garfield sprints as the elevators open. I step in and he jumps in as a bing goes off. I press the button to the first floor and look at him.

" Do you need something?" I asked.

" Reconsider joining the Outsiders. You're one of them and with more out there, they'll see that you are representing one of the many meta-humans that can do good." He explains. "You are one of the reasons why I made and decided to do the Outsiders." I was a bit shocked, no way. The elevator doors close and we start heading down. Me? What about Vergil and everyone else when Jamie found when escaping Star Labs? After a year, I joined the covert team, this is what's next?

" Beast Boy, I can't." I began. " I'm flattered, but I'm not going to join. People know you more and you contact with the generation we have now. Having powers and keeping them a secret is hard enough. Going public will just be too much."

" Your parents don't know that your a meta-human?"

" I never told them, besides, its not that noticeable and everyone knows who you guys are."

" You could wear a mask or change up your look if identity is your concern."

" Gar, no. I can't and won't join. I'll take your advice for a change, but not for going public. I'm not ready for it when I've barely been on missions. "

" We can help though. Just give u-"

" No!" I raised my voice. I'm not risking it, not now. Everything that's happened, how could anyone move on just like that when your whole life has changed. " Gar, you are amazing. But someone like me, can't be that amazing. You'll be a great leader, but I don't want any part of it."

" Is that how you really feel? The Y/N I know is brave and outstanding. Ready to take one for the team, even when it isn't needed."

" Well this Y/N isn't ready to face the world." The elevator doors open and I ran out.

Days and weeks passed. School, missions with the team, training, and home life are just a blur. I keep thinking about that argument with Garfield , I must have hurt his feelings. Post online about the Outsiders have skyrocketed, it's all over the world. E.D joining the team to be the meta-human to represent, until the parents came.

Cassie's mom Bart's great grandpa , and E.D's dad came. The outsiders were there, the last to come out was mother. What the heck, how did she find me? I turned off my phone location and left the house- they must of talked, the parents I mean. Because my mom is friends with Bart's great grandparents, they probably thought she knew. I see her, there's rage in her eyes, her face looks too put together. I'm scared. They start rumbling about how the Outsiders are going too far with the public figure thing. How they are now targets of the enemies of the League.

My mother started approaching me. She's a bit smaller than me, by like 3 inches. I feel if everyone is staring at me. She looks at me straight and out of the corner of my eye, her hand is raised.

* Smack.* The sound was heard throughout the room. The first one would be 'I warned you.' Then another, ' Why didn't you listen to me?'
And the last one, ' Why did you do this to me?'. It was coming till Garfield stopped her hand. Those hits, too familiar.

" That's enough. You should never hit your kid, that's no way to be a parent. " Gar protests.

" She's my daughter, I can do what I want." My mother told them. She held my wrist with her strong grip. They all looked at me, worried. I can't- I can't do this anymore. Gar started to talk to her and the parents were telling my mother that isn't the way. There's too many emotions and feelings that are wanting to come out. The mission alert went off, but the parents aren't done with their kids. Vergil, Jamie, Brion, and Garfield were gonna have to go.
" You go home and stop this right now."

I nod.

" You can't take Y/N away like this. Think about what your doing." Gar, please just stop. You can't do anything, this isn't your fight. The others started to tell off my mother, but I can't, she wants me back in the hell house. She looks back at me.

" You hang out with that wrong people. You never come here again!" Mother's words are so hurtful and powerful every time I hear them. This is the end, my days of being a undercover hero is gone, my escape from hell. She started to drag me towards the elevator.

" Stop!" Gar yelled. I turned and gave him something he needs to know.

" No, you stop. You have a mission right now and this isn't going to solve it! Blue, Geo, and Static are gonna have to do. Don't let what's happening to me stop you from doing your role as the Outsiders, even if your a few short. " I pause for a moment. "Beast Boy, tell Megan'n , I quit the team."

I walk with my mother towards the elevator. They watch us go down.

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