Reader X Robin (Jason Todd)

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Jason doesn't get enough spotlight, he's one of my favorite Robins. 


It was weird working with the new Robin now that the old one was Nightwing. I guess the perk was there someone close my age now and in hopes that finally make a friend. The team is great, they were like a second family to me. Yet, something about having a friend close in age was a new one for me because I've always been surrounded by older people due to being the youngest. I joined 1 year after Rocket joined the crew and everyone treated like I was a baby. But this Robin was not an easy person to work with. The first time I got a glimpse of him was when it was his first training with us. Nightwing paired us up like it was a playdate, it was such a bad idea. 

"Why are you so short? Aren't you older than me?" Robin grinned. He was walking around me in a circle in the training area. 

"I'm not that old, I can't even get my learners permit yet." I follow him with my eyes. 

" You'll be easy to take down. Get ready to eat dust!" He charged first at me and was ready to swing at me with a punch. I dropped to ground and swiftly swept him off his feet.  He flipped and was back on his feet. "You think your smart, but don't get all high and mighty!" He kicked my back, pushing me forward. I turned back to see what he was doing; he did the famous Robin disappearing act. I looked around and then looked down, he double kicked me in the face and chest. I regained my composure and charged at him with a roundhouse kick. He avoided it and his left side was open; I punched his side making him hiss in pain. I quickly went low and trapped his legs using my own. His body flew down and his back hit the ground, an automatic failure was bright red on the training floor. There were cheers and claps from the team watching, especially from the former Robin himself. 

"Oh my gosh, that was the best training I've seen all my years here. Well, not next to Kid's and Superboy that is." Nightwing said coming onto the floor. I got up and looked down to see a defeated Robin, mad and a bit pissed that his butt was just handed to him. 

"A trick fight, but good work." Aqualad commented while clapping. 

"Not funny dude!" Kid Flash yelled and looked over to Superboy. Artemis walked over to pat him on the back and Ms.M tried to cheer Superboy up with a smile. 

"You got handled by Canary, that was all you, ha." Rocket snickered. 

"You, okay?" I asked the Robin on the floor while holding a handout to help him up. He glared at me and got up by himself.

"You played dirty." He posed in front of me with his arms crossed. 

"You literally went under my nose and hit me out of nowhere, you went low, it did too." I shot back at him. "Did I hurt your feelings, Little Bird?" I smirked as his face was pouting in defeat. 

"You think your hot stuff, huh?" He said while grabbing onto me and gripping arm. 

"Hey, let go! Training is over!" I yelled back. I tried to step away from him and held on tighter. Nightwing rushed over and pulled him off me with a struggle. 

"Robin, we don't hurt our teammates. You can't just get mad when you did the same thing to them." He told off the Little Robin. 

"It's not fair though, they didn't use a that move to trap me like that." He pleaded. 

"Sorry, but you did get me in the chin and chest. I knew I wasn't going to win by going easy on you, mate" I admitted. 

"(Y/H/N) knows when to get down and was trained by the best of the best." Kid Flash chimed in.

"Can't be from you." Robin joked. Thus, the Team laughed at the new Robin's remark. It was a bit true though, KF wasn't the one I would training advise from. Robin was pleased that he was able to make some sort of impression out of someone's disparaging. He turned to me and held out his hand. 

"I'm sorry for not having a fair fight." He was apologetic, weird. I hesitated to shake his hand but caved to give him the benefit of the doubt. There's no such thing as a fair fight when it comes to the bad guys, especially the ones we take down. He's a Bat's kid, so there's no point in going easy on anyone. "But if we do this again, I'm going to win for sure." He grinned. 

"Right, I'll make sure that doesn't happen." I winked at him.  He let go of my hand and turned back to Nightwing. "You sure have an odd team, that's excluding the League and their whole gang." 

"You'll get use to everything soon, being the Robin and all." Nightwing rubbed his hair. "You need to play nice though, (Y/H/N) is the one that's gonna show you the ropes around here as guide. Different from what we do with Batman." Nightwing  informed us. 

"I hope we can be friends, Wonder Boy." 

"Ew, don't call me that. I never fought in HIS old uniform." Robin glares at Nightwing. "But sure, let's try not to take over the Team." He chuckled. 

"Oh, they would hate us." I laughed back. The older team members gathered around while I was in charge of showing Robin around the mountain. 

Nightwing's POV 

"You sure the new you is ready to work with us?" KF asked. 

"He's nothing like you, but you guys were trained by the Batman himself." Megan'n mentioned. 

"I think he's fine." Artemis adds. "He's actually made a friend on his first day here and made fun of Wally." She laughed while KF was a bit annoyed. 

"He's not going to be easy to handle." Superboy comments. 

"We must trust our former Robin's decision when adding another to the team." Kal supported me. 

"I think we should give it sometime. Who knows what will happen to them once we get rolling." Rocket advised. 

"Batman trusted me to work with Robin, so I hope you guys can help me out here." I said looking behind me as the two youngest head to the kitchen. "Those two won't be lonely anymore." 

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