Meta-Human pt 2

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Your POV
Life was hell. At a young age, I worked my body to that max, limits were no excuse. I never wanted to be the smartest or most gifted as everyone says. I wanted to be a teenager, that's what my mind was making me remember. Studying astronomy and the arts were my kinks I did that made them think I was a witch child that was going to kill them. My parents were monsters, making sure I'll be the success in the family by putting me though the highest classes I could take. Harm me when I didn't meet their expectations or go against them, even to let out their anger. Almost valedictorian, out of that hell house, now I'm here. I decided to go home late from school, saw these evil looking people hurting a man. He died when I tried to perform CPR, those guys came back and kidnapped me. Now I'm in this huge tower with these strange people standing and talking about what probably happened not too long ago.

There's too many of them for my comfort, young and older people. I want to get out of here. The Beast Boy seems to be the leader of the Outsider group. Talking to Wonder Girl, Impulse, and a bald white woman named Ms. Martian. Then a boom sound was behind me from this huge light thing that I can't explain. Out came a woman with an orange mask, tiger like personality. Two men, one with a huge red S. The other in all black with a blue blue on his chest.

Artemis POV
" What's happing here?" I asked as the others were talking. I look straight at Megan, pausing to chat with me now.

" It's better if you guys explain." She looks at her team.

" We found this meta-human. Crazy powers that sort of are similar to Halo's. " Vergil starts off . Similar to Halo's? That's too much to say the least.

" They saved one of the other meta-humans when their ability was to breathe underwater. Aquaman will try to figure something out for her. " Garfield adds on.

" So what's the reason that we're here?" Dick asked

" Well one, they wouldn't speak. I tried linking but that didn't work." Megan said . She looks over at the meta-human sitting on the couch.

" More so, the abilities they're using this magic based. Similar to Halo ,but instead of a mother box, their more of a meta-magic human." Zatanna rules out.

" Which is weird, I don't any of those abilities." Violet mentioned.

" How's that possible? Magic and the teach to use to make the meta gene come out are two completely different things. We know what happen to Halo, but what caused this one to be a meta- magic human?" Connor insinuated.

" We can't be for sure, but a couple weeks ago the zodiac user , Sterling , passed. They must be connected to to them some way." Zatanna suggests.

" But what does their meta-gene have in this?" I asked.

" From the looks of it, we got nothing. Maybe easily changing abilities or something." Blue guessed.

" What abilities exactly?" Dick wondered.

" So far Taurus and Pisces, super strength and water breathing." Zatanna informs. She cocks her head to look at them. " We need answers if we're going to help them. They look foreign, maybe they don't speak English, so their afraid to talk."

" Z and Megan weren't any good. Maybe you can show them the tough love approach?" Bart suggests.

Your POV
The Tiger lady walks towards me. She has the same look my parents have when they want to hit me. I felt frozen, scared is the right word to describe this situation. I stood up, jumping behind the couch to make more distance.

" Hey, hey we're not going to harm you. We just want to talk." She puts off her mask. Beautiful, like a sharp stone cut gem. Some of the people gather behind me, probably because I'm trying to leave. I look at all of them, they all seemed worried and watching my next step. I look back at tiger girl, still watch me. I hold my hands close to my chest, sliding my foot backwards.

" Hey don't worry. We want to help you and get you back home." Bird guy said in the back. "Let Ms.M putting the ability of speaking our language into your mind. It's gonna be hard, but please trust us."

Okay, first don't do that. I know English, I hate my home life, I'd rather jump out the window than let anything happen. But they won't stop,  no point of not telling them. It won't get us anywhere. I slowly nod and slowly sit back down on the couch. I was still shaking , I felt if she were my mom because- no their different. I just hope they never send me back home. Deep breath now:

" Please don't do that." I finally said something. I got shocked looks, reliefs , and mixed ones too.

" So you can speak, cool. I don't hurt you, don't worry, your safe with us." Tiger lady said. I look at her with tearful eyes, I wanted this to stop , but I can't go back now.

" What do you want from me?" I asked.

" We want to help you. Everyone here is trying to help and get to know you. What's your name? She answers, then ask.

" I-I'm Y/N." I replied.  " Y/N".

" Well Y/N, welcome to the Outsiders. We all are superheroes, in a way, and like helping others. We wanna protect and fight for those that can't." She draws me in.

" Wow that worked." Bart exclaims.

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